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Hi my loves 💜💜💜💜


When Jungkook returned home and opened the door, he immediately realised someone was in house because of the expensive pair of limited edition shoes by the door. He knew only one person whom they could belong to. His father. Taking a deep breath, he made his way to the living room where he figured the man was waiting.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as soon as he saw the older man.

"Is that a way to talk to your father?"

Jungkook laughed a little, "What? Did you expect a warm welcome? Let's be real, we are not close enough for those kinds of pleasantries."

"Alright." Mr. Jeon stood up from his seat and walked towards Jungkook, "I'll just go straight to the point. So where's the child?"

Jungkook released a defeated breath. Counsel Choi that stupid old man. He should have known better than to trust him. Nevertheless, he decided to act clueless, "What child?"

"Are you going to deny it? I must say you never fail to be a disappointment to me. Did you actually think I wouldn't find out about the child. Is he even yours? Are you so desperate to be a father that you allow yourself to be fooled so easily?"

Even though it was expected of his father to act that way, it didn't stop Jungkook from feeling hurt, "If that's all you came to say, then you should just leave."

"Actually, I don't care whether the child is yours or not, but this situation could work in our favour and you'll be able to get the inheritance. Isn't that the reason why you accepted the child? I realised I've been underestimating you. You are smart after all."

"Get out." Jungkook said quietly causing Mr. Jeon to laugh.

"You always pretend to be righteous, but you and I know we are just the same."

"I'm nothing like you. Unlike you, I want to be a parent to my child instead of treating him like a business enterprise. I don't want him to grow up hating me the way I hate you."

"Is that because I couldn't let you do whatever you wished to do? Does that make me a bad parent. Remember you are the son of the biggest conglomerate in this country. Any little mistake from you could have been enough to harm the entire Jeon empire."

Jungkook nodded, "And I hate myself for trying so hard to please you with the hope that you'd at least love me a little as your child and not just a person who was going to take over the business one day. I'm not trying to evade the blame, but it's your fault that I couldn't even be there when my child was born. Children should be able to open up to their parents, but I was so afraid of you."

Mr. Jeon cleared his throat, "You may see me as the villain in your life, but you should be thankful that I kept you out of trouble and secured our family name. Do you know how many people are eyeing what you have and how one mistake could leave us on the streets?"

"Honestly I don't care."

"The older man adjusted his jacket, "I'll get going, but I'll be expecting you to arrange a meeting with the child's other parent."

Jungkook didn't say anything as the man walked out. He knew he wasn't going to leave him alone until he met Woobin, one way or the other.



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