Chapter 13

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Hi my loves💜💜💜 I feel a little stained in case I don't update tomorrow. Ehem... And please don't judge me ♥♥♥


The final exams meant Seokjin didn't have to go to school anymore and he was relieved. The initial plan was for him and Jimin to leave for Seoul immediately after graduation, but that wasn't possible with Seokjin's condition. Jimin was a good friend as usual. He didn't mind waiting until Seokjin was able to go.

Forthe past four months, Seokjin's hormones had been all over the place. It was really difficult doing this by himself. He needed the child's father by his side to help him out in such situations.

This particular day it was too much for him to handle to a point where it overwhelmed him. He had made up his mind about what he was going to do. He took a bath and dressed up in an oversized hoodie and a pair of loose fitting jeans. The hoodie fitted well, he almost didn't look pregnant. He put on his old converse and left the house.

His destination was across town, hence he made his way for the bus stop. To his luck the bus was already there when he arrived.

The third stop was his. He got off the bus and walked along the pavement. The neighbourhood was was better looking than his own and much quieter. The houses too, were bigger. He walked to the address he'd committed to memory and knocked. It was past school hours, hence he was sure the owner was home.

There was no response after knocking for a while. He concluded that maybe there was no one home after all. He did not only waste his time but also bus fare. He stepped back and was about to turn to leave when the door opened.

He looked up at his now former teacher who frowned at him.

"What are you doing here?" Mr. Han asked.

Seokjin didn't speak as he walked past the older man and into the house. The teacher left the door open and followed the boy. Seokjin turned around and his hands made their way to the teacher's shirt, undoing a few buttons. He stood on his toes and tried to kiss him, but he grabbed his arms to stop him.

"What are you doing? Stop this!" Mr. Han said.

Seokjin realized that coming to this house was a big mistake and he was embarrassed. He pulled himself free and dashed out of the house. Tears were already running down his face as he ran across the road. Getting out of that place was the only thing on his mind, he didn't even see the car approaching until the driver hooted. He was so confused at that point that he just stood there until he felt himself being pulled away.

"Are you okay?" Mr. Han asked bringing him back to reality. He didn't say anything and just stared at the teacher. "Come with me."

The teacher led Seokjin back to the house. He made him sit in the living room and then left the room. After a while he returned and handed Seokjin a glass of milk. The younger boy too it in his hands, feeling it's warmth against his palms. He kept his eyes down for some time before he spoke.

"Don't you find me attractive anymore?"

"Hey, there's not a time when you'll never be attractive, but I won't take advantage of you at your weakest point."

Seokjin nodded his head before drinking half of the milk in one go. He wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"Why should I endure all this when I don't even want this baby? Now I'm even past ten weeks. I can't even terminate it on my own and my mother won't take me to a doctor because it's against her beliefs."

"I think you should keep the baby too. You may not want it but someone else might. Though I know it's your choice to do whatever you wish with the baby, but if you have this baby you can put it up for adoption and make another family very happy."

"That's what my mom says."

"Look, abortions don't always go well. I know you are still very young and this seems like a burden, but one thing for sure is that one day you'll want to have kids, but what if something goes wrong during the abortion and you can't conceive anymore? Do you want to find yourself in a situation where you hope for someone to give up their child just so that you can adopt it? Have the child and give it away. That way you'll not only be giving someone a child they long to have, but also preventing yourself from facing any complications when you decide to have your own kids in future."

Seokjin was silent for a while, but eventually nodded his head. "I'm sorry for what I tried to do earlier."

"You don't have to apologize. If anything, I should be the one apologizing for always being such an asshole around you."

Seokjin drank the rest of his milk and set the glass on the table, "Thanks for the milk. I'll be on my way now."

"Do you need a ride?"

Seokjin gave an appreciative smile and nodded.



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