Chapter 9

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Hi my loves 💜💜💜


A mild smell of bleach mixed with hand sanitizer surrounded Seokjin as he slowly opened his eyes to a blinding light. Ever seemed blurry at first, but slowly came into clear view.

"Aunt." Jimin's voice said as his face became clear, "I think he's waking up."

"Stay with him, Jimin. I'll get the doctor." Seokjin couldn't see her but he recognized his mother's voice.

"Help me up, Jimin." Jimin held onto Seokjin's arm, helping him sit up. "What happened?"

"You don't remember? You fainted in Mr Han's class."

"The presentation." Seokjin said as everything came back to him, "I have to do the presentation Jimin."

He tried to get off the bed but Jimin stopped him, "School had ended already Seokjin. You've been out for hours. Mr Han will let you do the presentation once you feel better."

Seokjin was about to ask Jimin about his mother, but stopped himself when she walked in with the doctor.

"Eomma…" His mother didn't say anything as she wrapped her arms around him and started crying. "Eomma… I'm fine. Why are you crying?"

"Seokjin, why don't you listen to me? I told you not to bring home any babies, but why didn't you listen?"

Seokjin's heart beat quickened as he slightly pushed his mother off, shaking his head, "What are you saying Eomma?"

"You are pregnant, Seokjin." His mother cried.

"No, that can't be true." Seokjin moved his line of sight from his mother to the doctor. He hoped she, at least would prove his mother wrong, "I'm not pregnant, right?"

"Seokjin," The doctor stepped forward, and held his shoulder, "I'm afraid your mother is right, "You are three weeks pregnant."

"No!" Seokjin shook his head in denial as tears rolled down his face.

"Everything will be okay."

"No! It won't be okay!" He yelled. His mother pulled him into a hug, patting down his hair, "I don't want it Eomma!"

"Shh... Shh.." His mother said in an attempt to calm him down, "It's okay… We'll get through this together. Just tell me who the boy is and we can talk to his parents. We can come up with a child support plan."

The doctor cleared her throat causing them to look at her, "I'll go and arrange his discharge papers. You can get him ready to go home."

She walked out of the room, leaving Ms Kim to comfort her son while Jimin just stood there.


Ms Kim had her arm around Seokjin as they walked into their house, while Jimin carried his things.

"Jimin, dear, get Seokjin to his room while I make him some soup. He should at least eat something before bed."

"Yes, aunt." Jimin quickly ran to Seokjin's side, taking him by the arm and leading him to his room.

He helped Seokjin into bed, and lay next to him, hugging him, "Will you tell Jungkook?"

"Do you think I should, Chim? He already forgot about me."

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Jimin pecked his forehead, "I'm with you whatever you decide."


A while later, after Jimin had left, and Ms Kim had gone out to work her night shifts, Seokjin sat in his room. His phone in his hands, with Jungkook's name on display. He had been thinking about what Jimin had said earlier and decided to call Jungkook. He was now contemplating on whether or not to do it.

His fingers were so shaky that he pressed the call button by accident. He told himself it was too late to turn back and let the call connect. It rang until it disconnected. He pressed the redial button before he could change his mind. It rang once again until it disconnected. He decided to try one last time. It rang three times before it was answered this time around.


Seokjin cleared his throat, "Hi, Jungkook. It's me, Seokjin. We met in Ilsan."

"I'm in the middle of something. Why are you calling me?"

Jungkook's attitude made Seokjin feel like getting had just received a hard blow to the heart.

"I... I wanted to let you know that I'm pregnant."

There was silence on the other end of the line.

"And so? What does that have to do with me?"

Tears rolled down Seokjin's face, "It... It's yours."

"You are joking, right?"

"No. I'm really pregnant with your baby." Seokjin cried, "We spent a night together in Ilsan, remember?"

"Look. I want you to listen and listen well. That baby you are carrying is not mine. How do I know you are not lying when you were more than willing to sleep with someone you barely even know. There was no way that could have been your first time. You probably got knocked up by someone else and now you want to pin it on me. You are one smart little whore. I'll give that to you. Trying to trap me with the 'I'm having you baby' card just so that you can benefit from family's wealth. But I'm smarter. What you decide to do with that baby is up to you.You can either get rid of it or keep it but leave me out of it. I don't want you to try and look for me or contact me ever again. Try anything stupid like contacting my parents and I'll kill you."

There was a beeping sound on the other end, showing that Jungkook had ended the call. Seokjin dropped his phone on the bed and cried. What had he gotten himself into?



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