Chapter 27

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Hi my loves 💜💜💜💜


Seokjin rushed out of the room that was preserved for him whenever he stayed at his mother's house. Ms. Kim was already making breakfast in the kitchen even though it was very early in the morning.

"Eomma, you have to stop what you are doing and go to the hospital right away. Yoongi just called me. Jimin went into labour a few weeks earlier than expected and aunt is still in Busan.

I have to be in court in two hours and I can only go there later."

Ms. Kim  nodded, "I made pancakes. Have some before you go. I'll get ready so long."

"Thanks, Eomma." Seokjin took a sit before it hit him, "Eomma, I won't be able to pick Woobin up from school later. Do you know anyone who can baby sit for me around here?"

"You know no one wants to take care of a small child they have nothing to do with, Seokjin. Why don't you just pick him up once your court session ends? I'll take care of Jimin."

"Jimin is the closest thing I have to a sibling." Seokjin pointed out, "I have to be there with him, Eomma. He's been baby sitting for me throughout his maternity leave."

Ms. Kim sighed, "Alright, I know someone who can keep him for a few hours. He'll pick up Woobin from school and I'll collect him from his home later."

"Thank you so much, Eomma." Seokjin took a bite of his pancakes, "Don't forget to pack him a pair of extra clothes, I love you."

Ms. Kim simply shook her head as she went back to her own room to get ready. After Seokjin finished his breakfast, he woke up Woobin and fed him his breakfast before getting him ready for school.


Jungkook had just gotten out of the shower and tried to dry his with a towel. Mr. Jeon wouldn't give him a break and kept pestering him to go to work, hence he'd finally decided to go there just once to get the old geezer off his back for a while.

Almost tripping on the rug on his bathroom door he rushed to pick up his phone. He was about to yell until he realised that it wasn't his father calling this time, but instead Woobin's grandmother. He'd exchanged numbers with her but she'd never called him before. He wondered if there was a problem.

"Hello?" He answered sounding more like a question.

"I'm sorry did I wake you up?"

"Oh no, I've been awake for a while. Is something?"

"You told me I could ask you if ever I needed help with Woobin." She said reminding him of what he'd told her before, "Are you busy today?"

"Uh.." He thought about the company and how his father would be angry at him, but he'd assured Ms. Kim he'd help her whenever she needed since he was always free, "No. I already told you I don't go to work anymore. What would you like me to do for you?"

"Can you pick Woobin up from school later? My nephew is at the hospital giving birth to his first child and needs me there."

"Don't worry. Just do what you need to do and I'll pick him up from school."

"I already let the teacher know so don't worry about identifying yourself. I'll pick him up later in the evening."

"I understand and I assure you I'll take good care of him."

"I trust you. You are a good man."


Jungkook ended up not going for work. He picked up Woobin from school and brought him to his house. The boy instantly made himself at home, leaving his shoes, socks and backpack lying around everywhere and making Jungkook clean up after him. Honestly he didn't mind.

"What would you like to eat?" Jungkook asked once he'd helped Woobin into his spare clothes and was now watching cartoons on TV.

"Gamja-jeon!" Woobin said excitedly.

Jungkook had to do a double take. He'd expected Woobin to ask for something like ice cream or ramen, but the child wanted him to cook. He couldn't even cook to save his life. He was born with a silver spoon sticking out of his mouth. He'd never bothered to learn life tasks.

But that was okay. Gamja-jeon was a simple snack that he'd just learn to make from a YouTube video within minutes. He took his time following the instructions and he wasn't disappointed with the final product. He was even happier that Woobin liked them.

"Would you like some ice cream now?" He asked after he cleaned all the dishes.

"Yes, please." Woobin chirped excitedly.

Jungkook couldn't help but fall in love with his cute personality. He wished he could get to spend time with the child more often. He walked back to the kitchen and took a tub of ice-cream out of the fridge and scooped a big amount into a plastic bowl before taking it back to the living room.

He set the bowl in front of Woobin who quickly took a bite.

"Thank you!" The child maintained his politeness that always impressed Jungkook with how well he was being raised.

He wondered if Woobin would like to play some games after he'd finished watching the current cartoon and was about to ask when the bell rang.   He wouldn't be surprised if Mr Jeon had suddenly decided to come and drag him to the office.

He was relieved when he saw that instead of his father, it was actually his secretary Ms. Cha outside. She'd brought some papers for him to sign. He welcomed her into the house and led her to the living room where he offered her a seat while he took care of the paperwork.

"Hello." Woobin said turning his attention to the woman, "Do you work with uncle Jungkook?"

Ms. Cha smiled at the child's adorable attitude, "Yes, I do."

Woobin nodded, "You must be very busy."

His reasoning made the woman laugh before she turned to Jungkook, "Is he your nephew, sir? He resembles you quite a lot. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was your son."

Jungkook's laugh was a surprised one, "Do you really think so?"

"Sure, the resemblance is almost unmissable."

"That's weird, I can't see it and what's even weirder is that we are not even related. I'm just babysitting for a friend."

"No." The disbelief on Ms. Cha's almost sent Jungkook laughing, "How is this even possible?"

Jungkook only shrugged it off and signed the papers. Once he let Ms. Cha out he returned to the living room. He stared at the child for a while and wondered if they actually looked alike. He hadn't noticed before but after hearing that, he too could see why someone would mistake Woobin for his child. But nothing was strange about it. It was normal for two biologically unrelated people to resemble each other, hence he let it slide.



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