Chapter 36

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Hi my loves 💜💜💜💜

Been a while. Here's a short chapter.

I have something to get off my chest so please read this... firstly, I'd like to thank you all for still reading these stories even though my updates are probably the most inconsistent here on wattpad. I'm sorry that it's difficult for me to update as often as possible due to the fact that I'm not as healthy as most people, but whenever I'm feeling better I try to write something and I'll continue being here on wattpad for years to come.

Secondly, I'm a little unhappy with something I've been noticing over time. I love reading comments. I really do. It makes me happy when you share your views and I hope to keep seeing more comments in the future. I also try to respond to most of them when I have time. The problem is that I've noticed some people who only come in the comment section to attack others. It makes me sad that something I'm writing is causing people to fight. I'm really begging you to be respectful of others in the comment section. Everyone has a right to an opinion. This is not an exam, hence there's no right or wrong. Just because your opinion differs from the other person doesn't give you the right to attack others. Some people here are grown ups and they react in certain ways because they've experienced these things themselves, hence you can't just call them out when you don't even know them personally. I was almost deleting this entire book yesterday but I stopped myself because many people are enjoying the story and I don't want to let you guys down. So please respect each other in the comments. If you have a different opinion just comment independently instead of replying to someone else just to pass them off. I'm really begging you. ❤️


On Sunday evening, Seokjin took time to prepare all of Woobin's favourite food for dinner. He was expecting Taehyung to arrive with the child any minute that he couldn't even sit still because he'd missed his little boy and spent the entire weekend fighting the urge to go and pick him up from Jungkook's house..

He finished setting up the table and went on to sit in the living room to wait. He didn't have to do it long as in no time the bell was ringing. Excited to see his little boy after two long nights, he rushed to open the door, but his smile disappeared when he saw that instead of Taehyung, Jungkook brought the child himself. Woobin's lay his head on Jungkook's shoulder with his eyes shut.

Seokjin quickly composed himself and cleared his throat before raising his arms to get the child. Jungkook gently handed him over and with the same gentleness Seokjin took the child in his arms careful not to wake him up. He was a little sad that Woobin wouldn't get to eat the food he'd spent hours preparing, but having him back home was enough to put him in good spirits. With his free hand, he took the handle of Woobin's suitcase that Jungkook was holding out to him and pulled it into the house carefully making sure the backpack that was placed on top of it wouldn't fall off. He set it aside and used the other arm to secure the child once again.

"Thank you." He said quietly, but Jungkook didn't move. He eyed the male expectantly.

"Is that it? You won't even invite me in?"

Seokjin was about to speak but stopped when Woobin quietly spoke, "Appa...can papa stay a little longer?"

Seokjin wanted Jungkook to leave immediately and Woobin's request put him at a loss, "Honey, it's a little late. Papa should get back..."

"It's okay. I don't mind sticking around for while."

Seokjin gave Jungkook a look, before taking a deep breath. The last thing he wanted was to upset his child. He stepped aside and let him into the house.

"Binnie, appa made your favourite food, would you like to eat now?" Woobin nodded his head.

"Can papa have dinner with us too?"

The child was really pushing it, but Seokjin didn't want to disappoint him, "Sure. Why not?" He looked up at Jungkook, "The dining room is this way."

Jungkook followed Seokjin's lead to a spacious dining room. The house was in no way a mansion, but it was very big. Seokjin was really doing well for himself and he was relieved because it meant Woobin was being well taken care of.

Seokjin hoped they'd have dinner quietly until Jungkook left but Woobin kept asking both of them questions. Seokjin couldn't even get himself angry seeing how the child's face lit up. He knew that even though Woobin had always been happy with just the two of them, he'd also wanted to have two parents like all the other kids.

After dinner, Seokjin gave Woobin a bit of ice-cream and let him to watch TV in the living room. He hated giving the child sweet things before bed, but he'd started throwing a tantrum and Seokjin was determined to show Jungkook that he was the better parent.

He went on to clear the table and put everything in the sink before Jungkook came over and started doing the same.

"You should be on your way. I can manage this on my own."

Jungkook ignore Seokjin's words and opened the sink faucet, "I understand that you still hate me, but can we at least pretend to get along for the sake of Woobin. You saw how happy he was back there. He's still too young for us to be showing our differences in front of him. Let's let him decide when he's older. I'll understand if he wants nothing to do with me then."

Seokjin was silent for a moment, "Whatever."

He grabbed a dish towel and started wiping the dishes Jungkook was setting on the rack.


BORAHAE ❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜

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