Chapter 24

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Hi my loves 💜💜💜


"I'm sorry Sir, but I can't allow you to leave the house." Jungkook's house was heavily guarded, "Strict orders from Mrs Jeon. If I fail to obey, she's going to fire me."

"If you don't step aside, I won't just fire, but I'll make sure you never work again."

"But Sir…"

"Get out of my way!" Jungkook barked before the man bowed his head and stepped aside. His mother had given orders not to let him leave the house since she couldn't take him to their own house because they did not see eye to eye with his father these days.

She was worried what happened last time would happen again and this time it'd be too late so she thought keeping Jungkook locked up would prevent the worst from happening.

But Jungkook wasn't that vulnerable. He'd decided he'd use a destruction to keep him sane even just for a little while.

He dismissed his driver and entered the car on the driver's seat. This time he wasn't driving aimlessly. He had a destination in mind. The drive it self was approximately thirty five minutes from his house.

He parked his car on the side of the road and before his eyes wondered over to the watch on his wrist. The school day would end in fifteen minutes. He'd decided to come a little early to give himself a headstart.

He relaxed as minutes ticked by before little children stepped out of the school building accompanied by their guardians, but his eyes searched for one particular child, before he spotted him hand in hand with the same elderly woman from the store. Just his luck. If the child was picked by someone else then matters would have been complicated.

For some reason, Jungkook had felt the urge to see the child again after the store. Just the thought of him seemed to make all his worries disappear.

He drove slowly towards them, stopping besides them, making sure to make it look like a coincidence.

The woman was alerted when the car stopped by. Jungkook rolled down the window and smiled.

"Good afternoon. I didn't expect to see you here."

"I'm sorry, Sir." The woman said, "Do you know who we are?"

"Oh, pardon me. My name is Jungkook. We met in a store some weeks ago. I paid for your grandson's toy."

The woman smiled, "I remember you now. I'm so glad I ran in to you once again. I've been wanting to pay back for the toy."

She reached into her handbag before Jungkook spoke, "Please don't do that. You are my elder. I can't take your money."

"But you helped me once. It's just logical that I pay you back."

"Instead of returning the money, you can let me drop you off." The woman frowned making Jungkook realize how weird his request might have been, "I mean it will be quicker if I take you home, the next bus doesn't come in the next thirty minutes. The child looks exhausted."

"But that's another favor. You don't owe us anything."

"I know. I'm just willing to help." Jungkook said before coming up with a desperate lie, "He reminds me a lot of my own son... He passed away."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I guess you could drop us off."

Jungkook stepped out of the car and opened passenger door for the grandmother, before helping the child into the backseat.

"He's always with you." Jungkook said as he started the car, "What about his parents."

"He's my son's child. He's a single parent."

"Oh." Was all Jungkook could say before he looked at the boy through the rearview mirror, "How did you like the toy car, Woobin?"

"Very much."

"Awesome! Are you working hard in school?"

"Uh huh!"

Jungkook smile before his eyes drifted to the road once again.


"Thank you for bringing us home. I hope it didn't take up much of your time."

"Don't worry." Jungkook said, "I'm currently on leave with nothing much to do. If any time, you can't pick him from school, let me know, I'll gladly do it for you."

"That won't be necessary. You've helped us a lot already."

"I'm happy to do it." Jungkook said as he started the car once again, "If ever you need anything, just called me."

Both Woobin and his grandmother waved at Jungkook as he reversed the car, causing them to disappear into the distance.

Jungkook didn't know why he felt like that but he needed to find a way to see the child regularly and gain by gaining his grandmother's trust.



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