Chapter 3

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Hi my loves 💜💜💜


"Jin-ah." Jimin impatiently knocked on the bathroom door, "You better hurry up or else we'll be late. Please don't give Mr Han a reason to scold you this time."

With a small sigh, he walked back to his bed and sat down. Seokjin took the longest showers in the world and all Jimin could do was wait patiently. A little while later, the said boy skipped out of the bathroom, without a care in the world and all Jimin could do is stare.

"What?" Seokjin asked, noticing the look on Jimin's face.

"You are really asking?" Jimin frowned, "We are late for Han's class and now he'll have a reason to pick on you."

"Well, it's nothing I can't handle, right?" Seokjin asked taking off the towel that was wrapped around his waist. Both him and Jimin were comfortable around each other, "That man will pick on me even when I've done nothing."

"Just dress up already!" Jimin said lying down on his bed.


Seokjin and Jimin tried their best to sneak in without Mr Han noticed, but all in vain when he called out to the later.

"Well, well if it's not the mighty Seokjin showing up at his own convenient time." The man spoke his eyes focused on the boy who just looked at the floor, before his focus switched to Jimin, "Get to your places. Both of you."

They were visiting an aquarium and both Jimin and Seokjin were lucky to arrive at the bus before it left. They sat the same spot as before and watched videos on the way there.

Seokjin loved sea animals and in their spare time, both him and Jimin liked to go fishing. 

Mr Han had informed them all to stay close and not touch anything, but Seokjin was too excited to pay it any mind. He kept lagging behind and touching anything that caught his attention. He didn't even hear any of the lecture Mr Han gave about aquatic animals and their habitat.

"Kim Seokjin!" The teacher called out, catching Seokjin's attention immediately, "Can you repeat what I just said right now?"

But Seokjin hadn't heard anything. He was too busy admiring the place to listen to anything Mr Han had to say.

"Just as I thought." Mr Han said moving closer when the boy said nothing, "First of all you came late and I didn't say anything. The problem with you is that you think so highly of yourself Kim Seokjin. But be aware that you are not the only one with a pretty face and that  face means nothing here. I'm in charge, but since you are not interested in listening to what I say and you think you are better than everyone else here, go ahead and wait by the bus until we are finished."

Seokjin didn't bother saying as he started walking out, only turning back when he noticed Jimin walking behind him.

"No, Jimin! Stay. You don't have to take a fall for my mistakes."

Seokjin was glad Jimin stopped following and went out of the aquarium. But there was no way he was going back to the bus. There were a lot of beautiful things to see outdoors.

After walking for a while, he came across a beautiful water scenery, with a small falls. The water looked so blue and Seokjin mersmerized by it. But that was not all. He also liked how peaceful and quiet it was, apart from the sound of water falling.

Seokjin took off his shoes and folded up his jeans, before sitting down and immersing his feet into the water. He felt so relaxed and soon all the awful things Mr Han said to him faded out of his mind. He closed eyes and allowed himself to get lost in the moment as he started day dreaming about Kim Taehyung, the man of his dreams. He had such a big crush on the deep voiced actor, that he wished to date someone like him, but that was impossible. There was only one Taehyung and he was already in a relationship. He was dating a famous dancer and Seokjin liked that dancer. He was perfect for Taehyung with his involving career. He brought light even to the darkest of days. Everyone deserved to have someone like that in their lives.

"I'm curious to know what it is that you are thinking about, that has you smiling like that."

The unfamiliar voice, caused Seokjin to open his eyes immediately. His jaw almost fell touched the ground as his mouth fell open. The boy next to him was way too handsome in real life as compared to the pictures he had seen of him in the magazines, on the internet and on TV. He was too perfect and the cameras did not do him any justice. He was smiling at Seokjin.

"You are Jeon Jungkook!" Seokjin said before he could stop himself.

"You know who I'm?" The boy asked.

"Everyone knows Jeon Jungkook." Seokjin said once again. And it was true. Everyone knew the boy. He was the only child to Seoul's richest family and he appeared in every magazine and newspaper alongside his parents. They practically ruled most of Seoul and they would have bought the city if they wanted to.

"Well, since you know who I'm,"  The boy said, sitting comfortably next to Seokjin, "I'd like to know you too. So what's your name?"

"Seokjin. Kim Seokjin."

Jungkook nodded, "It's a pretty name. So what were you doing out here all by yourself, Seokjin?"

"My teacher kicked me out of the presentation. He hates me."

"I guess that sucks."

"Tell me about it."

"Are you here on a field trip?" Jungkook asked to which Seokjin gave a nod.

"What about you?"

"I came here on holiday with a bunch of my friends. I needed some time off from everything."

Seokjin nodded in understanding. Jungkook was attending university and yet he lived under his parents' shadow. He never had time for himself. That kind of life was probably exhausting. The downsides of being born in a rich family.

"Do you mind me asking what you were thinking about earlier?" Jungkook went on to ask.

"Kim Taehyung." Seokjin simply said.

"Really? You too?" Jungkook asked, "What's so special about Kim Taehyung anyway?"

"Are you kidding me?" Seokjin asked, "He's so hot!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I didn't expect that of you."

"And why not?" Seokjin frowned, "Kim Taehyung is worth day dreaming about."

"You do know he's already taken, right?"

Seokjin smiled and nodded his head, "Hoseok is an angel. He deserves to date Taehyung."

Jungkook shook his head, "You speak as if you know them. What you see on TV isn't always real, you know."

"Then I'd rather never know the truth."

"You are so unbelievable." Jungkook said as he stood up, "I have to go back to my friends now. It was nice talking to you."

"Bye." Seokjin said as he looked up at the older boy.

"I'll be seeing you again."

"How will you find me?" Seokjin asked since the two had no way of contacting each other.

"Just leave that to me." Jungkook smiled and left.



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