Chapter 32

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Hi my loves...💜💜💜


"I can't believe you are taking Seokjin to court," Taehyung visited Jungkook after he and Hoseok returned from a short vacation in Jeju, "when all this could have been avoided if you had just manned up and accepted the pregnancy."

"Do you think I want to do this Taehyung? Do you think I would easily do something that could potentially scar Woobin for life? I'm only doing it because I'm left without a choice."

"And what rights do you have over that child, Jungkook? Many years ago you barely even cared what happened to him so why should you be allowed into his life just like that?"

"Fine, you are right. Maybe I don't deserve it. I admit I acted foolishly back then and I won't make an excuse due to my age at the time, but try putting yourself in my shoes. Back then I believed my life would be ruined once I acknowledged the child. I felt I was too young to be tied down by such things, but things are different now. I'm willing to accept my mistakes and take full responsibility for the child."

Taehyung frowned as he eyed Jungkook who sat opposite from him, "If that's the case then why haven't you spoken to Seokjin so that you can come up with something that can benefit everyone whilst preventing dragging that child through a messy court case."

Jungkook shook his head, "I see you haven't seen your friend Seokjin in ages. It's hard to reason with him with his outbursts. He's not ready to settle for anything right now unless the result is completely cutting me out of Woobin's life."

Taehyung released a heavy breath, "I still think there's a better solution to this. Counsel Choi is a great lawyer and I'm sure it would be easy to get joint custody…."

"That's never going to happen. Seokjin will make sure of that."

"Then let me talk to him." Taehyung pleaded. He was looking out for the well-beings of all three parties. As much as this was bad for the child, one of the two parents was deemed to get hurt at the end of it, "Just give me time to try and reason with him, please."

"I'll give you a week, but if he still insists on shutting me out, I'll have no choice but to fight him for custody."


Taehyung didn't return to his house after he left Jungkook's. He was determined to fix the mess his best friend had created before it got out of hand. Jungkook's house was almost an hour-thirty away from Seokjin's, hence when he got to the latter's house it was already dark.

Seokjin was always happy to see Taehyung, not only because he was his favourite actor, but because he'd helped him a lot with Woobin. He'd supported the child like he was his own.

"Did you enjoy your vacation?" Seokjin asked as he led him into the house.

"Trust me I needed it."

"That's true." Seokjin offered Taehyung a seat before he offered him a glass of juice, "Should we be expecting a new film then?"

"Yeah, we start shooting next week."

"Waah…..I can't wait. I was devastated when you decided to take a hiatus, you know."

Taehyung laughed a little before he cleared his throat, "Seokjin, I won't drag the reason why I'm here too long. I'll just get straight to the point."

"Is this about Jungkook suddenly wanting to force himself into Woobin's life?"


"No, Taehyung! I know what you are going to say and I love you so much, I'd do anything for you except this. I'm really sorry but I'm going to ask you to leave."

"Can't you reconsider this please?"

"I've already made up my mind. You should go back and tell him that I'm more than ready to see him in court. I won't let him win that easily, even if it means putting my life on the line."

"In short, if Jungkook ends up winning this case, you are willing to break the law just to keep him away from Woobin."

"I have a house overseas. Woobin and I will move there eventually."

Taehyung sighed. He finally understood why Jungkook said reasoning with Seokjin was pointless. He was blinded by his hatred for Jungkook that he couldn't see anything else and on top of that he had to put up with the stress from work and the struggle of raising a child single-handedly.


When Taehyung left, Seokjin decided to turn in. Woobin had been asleep already and Seokjin was relieved because the guilt was eating him up. He didn't mean to say that to the child but it was like Woobin was there to remind him that Jungkook once crossed paths with him. That didn't mean he didn't love his child. Woobin meant the world to him and he didn't care if he was a complete duplicate of Jungkook and besides there was a time when he thought Jungkook was the most beautiful person alive.

Seokjin was starting to drift off when he heard tiny footsteps approach the bed before coming to a halt. There was silence and Seokjin knew Woobin was waiting for him because the bed was too high for him to climb.

"Appa…Binnie can't sleep," The child said when he thought Seokjin was fast asleep.

Seokjin turned around and sat up before he reached out and reached down to lift the child onto the bed. He held the child in his arms and rocked back and forth to try and get him to fall asleep.

"Is appa sad?" Woobin asked bringing a small smile to Seokjin's face.

"No my love. Appa is just tired."

"Sorry Appa, Binnie was making a lot of noise."

Seokjin felt tears prick the corners of his eyes. Woobin was too smart for his age and he easily noticed when Seokjin was going through a hard time.

"Appa is sorry too. I didn't mean to say that to you my little one."

"Don't be sad, Appa. Binnie isn't mad anymore."

A tear slipped out of Seokjin's eye and he quickly wiped it away. Slowly Woobin fell asleep and he lay him down on the bed. He decided to lay down and catch some sleep. He'd worry about the Jungkook issue later.



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