Chapter 13 ~ Harry

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Chapter 13 ~ Harry

I walk into the studio in a terrible mood and the lads don’t take long to realise there’s something odd with me. I just can’t understand her, it’s infuriating the way she pushes me away even though she knows we can get along. I thought everything was great, that things were finally going well between us and then, bam! She decides she still doesn’t want me around. But why? We had fun, she laughed with me, and she was smiling honestly. Why does she insist so much on being alone? I’m not asking her out or to be my girlfriend, yet she stills wants me out of her life. It’s like she doesn’t even care that I exist now. Before at least I knew she was thinking of me, even if it was whilst she threw darts at my face. Now I feel like she will forget everything about me.

I really want to know what happened to her that made her like this. I need to know why she pushes me away even though it’s clear we get along.

Only acquaintances.

I hate that, I don’t want to be only acquaintance with her, I want to be more.

“Hazza, you okay?” Liam asks when I throw myself to the sofa in the studio. All the lads are looking at me wearing worried expressions.

“Things didn’t go the way I planned,” I answer and soon Louis is next to me, his arm around my shoulders giving me comfort.

He knows me so well, he knows how frustrated I get when things don’t go the way I like, and he knows, as well, how into all this I really am. It’s not a game for me, I really want something more with Hannah, I want something serious and real this time. I know I barely know her and she’s probably not the girl for me, but I want her. I haven’t told these things to anyone, but Louis knows it. He knows me and therefore, he knows what I want. Sometimes he acts childish and immature, sometimes he forgets about others when he’s pursuing what he wants and sometimes he steps back when he should stand up for what he thinks, but that’s only sometimes. Most of the time, when no one is looking… he’s the best friend one could ask for.

“C’mon, cheer up, mate. Next time things will go better,” Louis tells me giving me a friendly shake.

“She said we’re only acquaintances. She accepted going to grab a coffee with me, we had a great time. She laughed! And then she just tells me that she doesn’t wanna even be friend with me!” I cried out, frustration clear in my voice and I even ruffle my hair out of desperation. “I wish she’d stop pushing me away.”

“The things we appreciate the most are those for which we work the hardest,” Zayn says and I chuckle humourlessly. Trust Zayn to be the deep one with his advice.

“I know, but the process is so damn frustrating, mate,” I reply with a sigh.

Soon, Niall is next to me, his hand on my shoulder. “Remember when I thought that I didn’t have a chance with Alex? When she kept rejecting me?” The Irish boy asks me and I nod. “She wasn’t easy to get, and we broke up because she didn’t think she was the right girl for me and everything seemed lost. But in the end everything worked out and she’s the best thing that has happened to me. Every moment of frustration, every time I felt like giving up and just taking the easy way out, everything was worth it because I have her now,” he concludes and I look at him in a way that I never did before.

He really loves Alex, they love each other and they are so strong. She’s always there for him and the other way around. I’m conscious that it wasn’t easy for them and that sometimes they fight and have rough patches, but they overcome everything because they have each other. He really is a lucky leprechaun.

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