Chapter 17 ~ Harry

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Chapter 17 ~ Harry

She said yes. One step closer! I just have to take like a bazillion more steps, but I’m working on it. At least I got her to accept the tickets, which means we’ll go together to the gig, even if Savannah is with us as well. It’s time I’ll spend with Hannah.

I’ve made a decision and I’m going to stick to it. I know she doesn’t want us to be friends, but I’ll change that. Somehow, even if I have to drag Savannah along all the time, I’ll get Hannah to spend more time with me. I know I can’t break down her walls from one day to the next one, it’s a slow process, but I’ll get there. I’ll get her to trust me, I’ll get her to open up and I’ll get her to grow fond of me. That way, there will be a day when she’ll realise that we are already close and that pushing me always is useless because I’ll always come back.

I just want her. I want her to tell me all those things she keeps inside. I want her to laugh and be happy with me. I want her to need me. I want to be there for her because I feel she needs me. Even when she’s so hard to get, I want her. I can’t get her out of my mind, she’s always there.

I’m tired of being lonely, of never having someone who could be my home and I know that I don’t have problems meeting new people, but Hannah is the one who keeps me coming back even when she pushes me away. She’s the only one who’s stick in my head and doesn’t leave my thoughts alone. She is the one I want to be with, to end this loneliness even though so many people always surround me. I don’t know why it’s her, but it is and I can’t deny it, I can’t fool myself. No matter how hard she is, she is what my heart and mind wants.

I look at her, at those confused green eyes, the little freckles on the bridge of her nose, at the shy little smile, at the ginger hair framing her lovely face. She’s so beautiful, simple and natural, but beautiful. She’s not like many of the other women I meet when I go out who wear tons of make up until they turn into something else, something artificial. Hannah is what she is, even though she hides from the world. But it’s not only her beauty that drags me towards her like gravity, it’s the look in her eyes. I see her broken soul; every time we meet it’s more evident, I see the pain in her green orbs and all I can wonder is what happened and how I can help her. Because I want to help her, I want to heal her wounds and help her to move on. And for that I need her to trust me and accept me.

“So, are you busy?” I ask her after a few moments. “I haven’t seen you in a long time and I’d like to know how your life’s been. Oh, by the way, how did you do in your finals?” I remember and question really intrigued.

She seems taken aback from my curiosity and I see the moment she raises the walls again. There, I notice I can break her walls down a tad bit. Every time I surprise her, I can see a bit more of her soul before she protects herself again. I can do it; I just have to keep insisting. If she pushes me away, I’ll push forward.

“Harry, we’re not friends. I told you that, I don’t want more friends,” she tells me. Her words still hurt, but I don’t get discouraged.

“I know, but I do want more friends and you’re my first option. Plus, I’m really persistent, in case you didn’t notice,” I reply winking at her and she can’t hold back a little smile, but she hurries to hide it. “C’mon, you know we can have fun together, I’m not asking that much. What’s the matter? Are you afraid that if we spend a wee bit of time together you’re gonna fall for me?” I tease her though I secretly hope she does.

“Of course not! That won’t happen,” she snaps defensively and I chuckle. She has quite the temper, I’ve noticed that already. She probably doesn’t lose control that easily as she does with me and that’s must be one of the reasons why Savannah likes me so much for Hannah.

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