Chapter 20 ~ Hannah

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Chapter 20 ~ Hannah

“I’d love to have a gif of his face when you started asking him questions!” Harry states still laughing while Steven is upstairs printing the invoice of Harry’s purchase. He actually did buy the Lexus LS 460 and I had the chance to drive it to test it.

One thing less in my bucket list!

I avoid Harry’s eyes and focus on my knuckles whilst a small smile plays on my lips remembering the moment Harry is mentioning. It was clear from the beginning that Steven didn’t believe that I know about cars, so I had to brag just to make him swallow his words. I couldn’t help it; I guess that competitive side of me hasn’t died. I know the Lexus LS like I know the back of my hand, but I asked him about all the specific details hoping for quick answers, but every time he doubted, I said what he had to explain, giving even more information that what you can find on the website. I even asked him about the materials of the engine, the process of production and tests on the car. After five minutes he didn’t dare to say anything else and Harry was holding back his laughter the whole time. His eyes shone with pride.

“Because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I don’t know about cars. That’s a misconception and I hate it,” I tell him still avoiding his eyes.

It has been hard to look him in the eyes the whole day and not because I don’t feel well or something similar, just because every time I see him, I remember the dream I try to vanish from my mind all the time.

My heart races when my mind comes to all the memories of the dream I had of Harry last night, a dream that made me wake up with eyes wide open and my cheeks burning. The scene plays in my head like it is happening again and I shut my eyes tightly, trying to push away the images, but I can’t.

“Hannah,” he calls me in my dream and I turn around, my eyes on him all the time whilst he approaches me, his smile beautiful and breath-taking, his eyes sparkling with happiness, the same happiness I feel bubbling in my chest.

He finally reaches me and the first thing he does is take my hands and pull me closer to him, our bodies colliding in a tight embrace and I wrap my arms around him, gripping his shirt in my fists at his back, my nose buried in the crock of his shoulder. In his arms, I feel whole again.

“I’ve missed you,” I whisper with my face still buried against his shoulder and I feel his arms tightening around me.

“You can’t imagine how much I’ve missed you. I couldn’t find the moment to come back and have you like this again.” In my dream I’m not conscious that it’s not real, because it feels like it is. Like it’s really happening, like this is the most normal thing in my life. But I haven’t been this open to anyone since my mum died years ago. “But I’m here now,” he adds pulling away, his hands on my shoulders while mine slide to his waist. He looks into my eyes with so much intensity I feel he’s touching my soul.

I smile, happiness making me groggy that he’s with me and I do the most horrendous thing of all times. I lean in, standing on my tiptoes to reach his lips, my heart beating like a horse in a race, desperate to win and that’s how I wake up, with my hear hammering against my chest and my hands flying over my mouth, as if I could still feel Harry’s lips.

That’s why I can’t look at him now, because I remember how close we were in my dream, how happy I was to be with him and how much I wanted to kiss him. If I look at him, my eyes drop to his lips immediately and I’m afraid he will notice it.

This only proves how all this –whatever it is– has gone too far already. The fact that I missed him when he was abroad, the fact that I can’t get him out of my mind, the fact that I dreamt of him– all this means he’s growing on me already and I need to stop it before it’s too late. After this deal is over, I have to cut clear of Harry. It’s the best thing to do.

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