Chapter 4 ~ Hannah

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Chapter 4 ~ Hannah

When I walk into the shop, Sheila comes almost running towards me and I have to step back before our bodies collide. She’s a nice woman, mid-thirties with dyed blonde hair, grey eyes and a kind smile. She has been working with us since my dad started the garage a long time ago, so she’s kind of part of the family. I remember how she used to look after me when my parents went out. She liked to give me candies before going to bed without my parents knowing, but at the end I couldn’t sleep because of the sugar rush and mum always found out. That didn’t stop Sheila from giving me candies again the next time. That is why she’s a special person for me but since mum died, I haven’t been so close to her as I used to be and I know she’s trying to get to me again, but I just can’t.

“Woah, what happened?” I ask her showing her my palms so she can’t get any closer.

“Someone is waiting for you!” She tells me in a hurry and I look at her confused.

“Can’t anyone else see what that person wants?” I question starting to walk again and passing next to her.

“Nope,” Sheila replies shaking her head. “He has asked to see you. He refuses to see anyone else.”

“He?” I ponder furrowing my eyebrows very confused. “Who are you talking about, Sheila?” I ask her stopping for a second to look at her. “I’m not exactly an employee here.”

“I told him that, but he said you helped him before and he only wants you to see his car.”

A cold shiver goes down my spine. I have a bad feeling about this, a really, terrible, horrendous feeling about this. Something tells me that this is not going to be a pleasant surprise.

“Please, Sheila, tell me it is not the same bloke from yesterday. Please, tell me this day is going to start as a good one,” I practically beg and she smiles apologetically. “No!” I complain like a little kid throwing a tantrum.

“But he seems so nice and I bet he’s here for you and not his car,” she says wiggling her eyebrows and I just groan. I sound like a dying animal. Maybe I should go back home and skip today.

“Tell him I’m ill and that I can’t make it today,” I tell her ready to turn around and rush home, but a deep and raspy voice stops me.

“Too late, I saw you already.”

Damn it!

“You have seen nothing, I’m leaving. I’m not in the mood to deal with you right now. I fixed your car yesterday, there’s nothing else I can do and if you were neglectful again and hurt the Range Rover, there’re more capable people here than me. I suggest you go to them,” I say not even bothering with turning around to meet his eyes. I don’t have the need to see his green orbs smiling cheekily at me.

“It’s another car and I’m sure you’d love to see it,” he says and his voice is tempting, very tempting. Plus, there’s the thing that he has brought another car and if he already has a Range Rover and he is an international popstar, the odds that this car is equally amazing are in his favour.

Groaning like a dying bear again, I swing around slowly and when we are face to face, he’s smiling sheepishly with his hands on his back trying to look innocent. But he’s not. He has come here just to annoy me, I can see that.

“Okay, show me your car and I’ll see what I can do,” I give in and his smile grows wider. I hear Sheila squealing under her breath. She’s probably making up a whole romance novel in her mind out of this situation.

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