Chapter 19 ~ Harry

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Chapter 19 ~ Harry

“Let me give you a ride,” I offer when we’re walking out of the café. Hannah is still smiling and I don’t want her to lose that, I want to see her like that all the time.

“I can get home on my own, Harry. Don’t worry,” she answers politely, there’s no rudeness this time in her words.

“Please! That way I know you gave me the right address instead of a random house. Imagine I drive there tomorrow and some crazy old man opens the door and decides to kidnap me!” I dramatize and I see her laughing and shaking her head from side to side. “It could happen, don’t laugh!” That only makes her laugh harder.

“You have a wild imagination, Harry. But I gave you my right address, don’t worry. No one will kidnap you.”

I know I should just accept that she doesn’t want me to drive her to home, but I don’t want to part ways yet. The whole afternoon has been so great, we’ve had such a good time and she opened up to me today, sharing a part of her mind with me and I’m just not ready to let her go. I wish we could be like this all the time.

“C’mon. I won’t be able to fall asleep tonight if I don’t do this plus, you can never trust iOS maps to guide you. I can end up in Timbuktu!” Again, she’s laughing.

“You sure are a persistent lad, aren’t you?” I just nod with a big smile on my lips. “Okay, just let me text my dad to let him know he doesn’t have to wait for me.”

I have this urge to jump pumping my arm in the air while screaming ‘yes’. It seems like every time she’s giving in a tab bit more, warming up to me, and now the way we have to go through seems less difficult. It doesn’t seem like an impossible mission anymore and I have hopes she’ll let me in and help her. I really want to be there for her, offer my shoulder to cry on if she needs it or hold her tight when it seems like everything is falling apart.

I want her to need me because I’ll be there for her.

Her fingers fly over the screen of her phone typing a text and I can’t take my eyes off of her. I really like the way her hair falls around her face and I notice it’s shorter than the last time I saw her but I like it like this better, she looks cuter. Now it barely passes her shoulders and the ends curl a tad bit which makes her look adorable. I also like her hands, with long fingers and I remember the video where she played the piano, how those same thin fingers flew over the keys making a beautiful melody.

“Done. I hope he sees it.” She looks up at me putting her mobile back in her pocket again.

“Shall we, then?” I ask offering her my arm and she looks at it for a few seconds. I know she’s deciding whether to accept it or not and maybe I’m pushing too hard, but I have to try. I need her to get used to being around me until it feels natural for her.

Finally, with a sigh, she loops her arm around me and that rush of pride comes to me again. With every second that we spend together, I feel like we’re getting closer. I haven’t been much different from the last time we saw each other, but she is and I wonder why. When I came to see her, for a moment I thought it was going to be even harder considering all the time that had passed, that she would be even more closed off to me, but when she saw me she looked only gladly surprised.

What if she missed me while I was abroad? Like I missed her.

That thought makes my heart race with hope because maybe I’ve grown on her already, even if she tries to deny it. Maybe she can’t push me away any more like before because I’m already in the zone she didn’t want me to be in. At that idea, a wave of sheer joy runs through my body and I can’t stop the silly grin from playing on my lips.

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