Chapter 3 ~ Harry

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Chapter 3 ~ Harry

Once I get to Alex’s house –somehow, the girls’ house has become the place where all of us get together–, I can’t stop thinking of Hannah and the way she just plainly ignored me. It’s not the first time a girl has treated me like I’m no one important. Alex, Phebs, Belle, Mila and Moni, all of them treat me like I’m just a normal guy and that’s why it feels so good to be near them, because they make me forget about the hectic life I have for a second and I feel normal. But there’s something different about Hannah, something I can’t put my finger on yet.

The way she treated me in the garage isn’t any different from the way Moni treats me –like she hates me and can’t see my face without wanting to inflict some pain on me–, or the way Alex treated us all when she met us. Yet it feels completely different and I can’t get her out of my mind.

Not to mention she’s incredibly gorgeous. At least in my eyes. She’s simple, I guess. It’s evident she’s not into fashion –or that’s maybe because she was working when we met–, if she wears any makeup, I can’t tell. But it’s not her look what really catches my attention, I think it has to do with the way she looks. I’m normally very observant and when I looked her in the eyes before, I saw emptiness and so much pain. Like she has a hole in her chest and it’s eating her alive. I don’t know why I got that feeling from her, but I can’t shake it off.

Maybe that’s why I can’t stop thinking of her, because what I saw in her eyes intrigue me. It’s not her attitude towards me, but what she’s hiding behind all that indifference.

“My baby better be fine or I swear that you’ll be singing a high note forever, Styles,” Moni threatens me when I cross the door and I just laugh shaking my head.

“Yes, I’m perfectly fine. Thanks for asking,” I reply, sarcasm filling my voice, but she doesn’t find it amusing because she looks at me deathly. “The car is fine; I just forgot to fill it with coolant.”

“You seriously forgot about that?” The brunette asks incredulously at the same time that Mila appears with Zayn following her closely. “You’re more stupid than I thought,” Moni muses leaving me there alone and going back to the rest of the group.

I just sigh as I close the door. Mila has stopped and she’s looking at me with a smile on her lips, Zayn is next to her and as usual, since they got back together, every time they can see each other, Zayn has a hand on her waist. That’s the thing with them, they need to have some contact. I think it’s because of those awful months they spent apart from each other when they didn’t even speak. It was really hard, but since then they have become stronger. I know Mila trusts Zayn again and he learnt something very important from that whole experience.

Sometimes when I look at them and all my other friends, I can’t help feeling alone. Liam is single now –long story short, Danielle and he broke up few weeks before we set off to our world tour–, but it’s not the same. He was in a relationship for so much time and he’s, finally, enjoying his time as a single man. But I’ve been single for so long, nothing more than one night stands and I’m getting tired of that. When I see how happy Louis, Niall and Zayn are, I can’t help myself from wanting something like that too. Something stable, someone who really wants to be with me for who I am and not for what I am. It’s different and I feel like all the girls I’ve been with don’t know what the difference is.

Of course I have to get tired of that eventually.

“Something interesting?” Mila asks leaning unconsciously towards Zayn as she normally does when they are together. “You have something different about you, I can’t tell what, though,” she adds and I smile wider. That’s my friend, always so observant and clever.

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