Chapter 27 ~ Harry

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Chapter 27 ~ Harry

Hannah is changing. She does things that she never did before. I know, I haven’t known her for a long time, but I can see the differences. Like when she held her hand out for me. Or when she squeezed my hand as a sign of gratitude, or the way she smiled at me when I gave her the name for her cat. But the biggest change is in her eyes. Those green eyes that once looked at me with such painful coldness are now warm. I see that she is working hard, giving in little by little, doing her best to mend all those wounds that the death of her mother left. I still can see her broken soul, I still see the pain in her irises, but I also see hope that things can be better.

This has been, without a doubt, the most different date I’ve ever gone on, but at the same time the best of them all. I shall never forget all the things we learnt today, all those stories Charles shared with us but the thing that will stay with me forever is the way Hannah looked at the kitty on her lap when we had to go.

She didn’t want to part, she didn’t want to say goodbye and she made a decision that shows her commitment to get better. She adopted the cat, took her with her. Maybe letting an animal in is easier than a person, but still. There’s a being she has decided to take care of, a being that will need her and she is going to there for her.

If I ever held a doubt that Hannah really wanted to move on with her life, this has proved to me that things will be fine. She will be fine.

The cat, Hope, is absolutely adorable. Her hair is ginger, like Hannah’s and her eyes are also green and they look so innocent, so desperate for love. She looks with adoration at Hannah and the smile Hannah gives back to Hope is one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen. Every time I take a glimpse of them both, I feel a strong and loud thump in my chest and a heart-warming feeling spreading from my chest to the rest of my body.

I’ve fallen deep.

I try to regain my concentration as I drive. I certainly don’t want to end up in a crash or something. I take us to the shop so we can buy what Hope needs and then I drive to Hannah’s home.

“Uh– if you have nothing else to do, you can come in with me. Later I can drive you to your flat. Just if you want,” she hurries to clarify and I smile, delighted that she has invited me to stay longer with her and Hope.

“It will be my pleasure,” I answer with my most honest smile that she replies.

We leave her car and she leads me inside. I follow her with all the shopping we did for Hope and she asks me to follow her to her room, where her new pet will have her bed. I’m not sure how to feel about the fact that I’ll be in Hannah’s room and that her father is not around. I try to keep it cool, like this is normal but it doesn’t feel like that. Not when it comes to Hannah. With her, everything is different.

As I take my first step into her room, I start taking notice of everything that’s in there: the queen size bed with a very girly cover in different shades of purple; the shelves with oh so many albums, almost like in a radio station; the guitars on one side; the desk with an iMac and equipment to record; the frames with pictures on the wall, pictures of her and Savannah, of her and a man and woman that I assume are her parents. The last thing I notice is the target with four darts on it. The same target I gave her and I can’t help it, I burst out laughing right there.

“Harry, what happened? What are you laughing at?” She asks me as she lays Hope on the bed. “You okay?”

“I can’t believe you actually use it!” I say between fits of laughter, doubling over as I hug myself.

“Oi, throwing darts is really helpful to manage stress. Plus, it was a present,” she explains with a shrug but I see her cheeks burning.

“Or maybe you have it because you want to have a picture of me,” I suggest just to tease her and her cheeks burn ever brighter.

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