Chapter 2 ~ Hannah

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Guys! The other day MS was FF #1!! I was so happy you can't even imagine and all your comments are just so beautiful. I'm so glad you're liking this so far and even though I can't reply all your comments, you must know I read them ALL.

At the sidebar there's a picture of Savannah and do not worry, the gifs will be back ;)


Chapter 2 ~ Hannah

I know he’s looking at me and I don’t like it, his stare is too intense and it makes me nervous. Normal people don’t look at others like that, like they could see their very souls. That’s weird and I’m sure if Savannah were here, she would agree and make a video about it for her channel.

My friend is a youtuber and she’s become very popular lately, for which I’m tremendously happy. She’s bloody talented and hilarious. She has asked me to be in some of her videos, mostly singing, but I’m usually behind the scenes, helping her with the technical stuff. We’re both in uni; I’m studying music whereas she studies drama.

Since my mum’s death, she’s been by my side all the time, cheering me up when everything seemed like the end of the world, when I didn’t want to leave my bed and just wanted to stay in my room with the curtains down and crying myself to sleep. Savannah and my dad are all that I have now, them and my dreams. I got the scholarship as I promised my mum and I’m completely focused on what I want for my future. All parties are over and I only hang out with Savannah. Sometimes I help my dad in the garage, like today when Sheila told me about the client who needed someone to pick him up.

And that client is Harry. The same Harry that is friends with Ed Sheeran, A.K.A my favourite artist ever, and the most talented man on Earth. Yes, I’m completely in love with his talent and I kind of freaked out a bit internally when I realised I was talking with a friend of his minutes ago. Of course, I didn’t let this boy, Harry, see it.

Maybe he expected me to freak out or something. I know he’s famous, but I’m not a fan of his so for me he is just another client. If he were Ed, the story would have been completely different. However, I don’t like him much, his stare is disturbing me and I want him away from me, but he has followed me to his car. I honestly don’t think he really knows what’s inside, but he wants to look manlier, as many men do when they see I know more about cars than them. Not my fault that my dad owns an auto repair shop and has taught me everything.

“So… you work here huh?” He inquires just to make conversation; I know that. His voice is soothing and deep, it’s kind of pleasant to listen to him talking.

“Not really, I just help my dad,” I explain not even looking at him, just focusing on what I have to do.

“Uh, so what do you do? I mean, do you go to school?” He asks and I want to tell him to just let me work. My personal life doesn’t concern him, but I can’t be rude to a client. So I swallow my words and keep concentrated on what I’m doing, refilling the tank of the radiator with coolant. How could he have forgotten to check that before going out? It’s something so simple yet important. And he’s being neglectful with a Range Rover. That must be a crime in some country, I know it.

“No. Actually, I’m un uni,” is my response and again, I don’t even bother meeting his gaze. I know he’s staring at me, I swear I can feel his eyes boring into my very soul. I really don’t like that. I feel somehow exposed.

“Oh really? I knew you couldn’t be much older than me,” he muses and for a second I’m tempted to look at him with an offended expression. It would be great to make fun of him from what I could interpret from that sentence, but I’d rather keep my eyes on my work. I have to cheek that nothing was ruined due to the overheating.

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