Chapter 42 ~ Hannah

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Chapter 42 ~ Hannah

Surprisingly, Harry and I have spent a lot of time together. Honestly, since we got together I thought that with his busy schedule we were barely going to see each other, but somehow he always manages to find time to be with me. Even if it’s thirty minutes or less. And truth be told, I’m getting used to seeing him every day so I’m not sure how it’s going to work when he goes on tour again. I know they changed many things –I don’t want to imagine how it was before– and now they’ll have more time for themselves, but still. I’ll see him, maybe, once a week. Mila told me that on past tours they could see each other every three months and I couldn’t believe it. That’s a lot of time. But I see that spending that much time away from each other has made them all stronger. And more grateful for the few days they can spend together. They surely don’t take the other for granted.

All their relationships are quite admirable. Harry has told me a bit of them all, so I feel more comfortable when we’re around, so I don’t feel like the newbie in the group, though I am and that makes me feel awkward. Liam was with a girl he met during their days in X-Factor, they were together for a long time but almost a year ago they broke up. Harry told me it was because it was too hard to be together and she was tired that her whole career as a dancer was tied to his. She wanted to make her own path and succeed not because she was with Liam Payne. And since then, Liam has been single. Going out with some random girls, but nothing serious. Harry says he is enjoying his time as a single bloke.

Louis… well, I know his story already and not only Harry is worried for him now, but everyone. Including me. Since Mila’s party, I’ve seen him one more time and he still looks hurt and defensive, not letting anyone approach him. In a way, I see myself but while I was drowning in self-pity, he spits at everyone with bitterness. Specially at Kay, who can’t help but keep messing with him, from what Harry has told me.

Niall and Alex met almost two years ago, a few weeks before the UK tour started and they even went with them, including Phebs and Belle. That’s how the relationship started, in tour, but then she broke up with him because she thought they were too different and their worlds didn’t fit together. I can understand her there, it’s really hard to see your world fitting with theirs, even more when all they do is so massive and public. But Niall and Alex managed to get back together and since then they have been an example. Fans accepted her different look and that she makes Niall the happiest.

Zayn and Mila met because Alex introduced them. Harry told me that before, Zayn liked Alex very much and that Alex wanted to help him, that’s why she introduced them. Incredible, Alex did predict the future and they got together. But when things were great he made a mistake. He said publicly that Mila used to write fan fictions online when she had asked him not to mention that, because she wanted to achieve her dreams on her own. After that, she got hacked and all her hard work was lost due to that slip of the tongue of Zayn. But then Mila got a deal with a publisher and now she is a published author and her book is so great –I read it and loved it–, and after that they got back together. Zayn waited for her because Mila needed time to trust in him again.

I see that all of them have gone through something and made it through and come out of it as stronger people, which is what I admire the most about them. They are all so strong, they don’t let the bad things in life stop them, they defeat them and carry on. And I want to be like them, I don’t want anything to stop me again from moving on with my life. Even though I still feel like I have more work to do. But at least I realise now what things I’ve done wrong and what I have to work on.

The day we went to the car saloon with Moni, Mila, Zayn and Ed was great. I thought I liked cars, but Mila and Moni are way more obsessed than me with vehicles. Specially the brunette. She literally dragged Ed everywhere to see all the new models and in one occasion she had to stop or she would cry. Ed had to hold her and I really laughed at her and her massive love for a Ford Mustang that was in exhibition.

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