Chapter 41 ~ Harry

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Chapter 41 ~ Harry

Hannah and I are the first ones to leave, not because we’re exhausted or because it’s too late, but because I know this is too much for Hannah for one night. She did great, she talked to everyone and she seemed to have a great time. She laughed a lot and she didn’t doubt much when Mila asked her if she wanted to come with her, Zayn, Moni, Ed and I to a car saloon. Mila and Moni are so excited about that and they are dragging their boyfriends with them, and they assumed Hannah would love to join them as well.

I’m sure if it had been another thing and not cars, Hannah wouldn’t have accepted.

I know the ginger girl really tried today, but I still could see how at unease she seemed when someone was too close to her. Even if it was Ed, her idol, she looked uncomfortable. Only when I was next to her she seemed to relax. I know she likes my friends, but she still needs time to get used to having them around. However, I’m sure she will make it. The lads and the girls really like her already, I could see it in their eyes when they looked at Hannah. They accepted her, even Louis who tried to look all indifferent to all women in the house. I saw him smiling at us before he realised I had caught him staring. He can try and say that I’m making a mistake, that I shouldn’t trust Hannah, but I know him. I know he is happy for me. He knows this is what I’ve wanted for so long and I finally have it.

But I’m still worried for him.

During our little party, he only talked to the lads. He avoided even Alex and I’ve noticed he doesn’t call her wife anymore. And that was their game, something that never stopped being funny among them. Even when Moni tries to convince him to help her on a prank, he doesn’t want to be near her. And she is making an effort! I’ve heard she is in prank rehab thingy. Not sure how that works yet.

It’s been a couple of weeks since Louis and Eleanor broke up and he doesn’t show any improvement. He is as bitter as the day he told us about it. I saw Eleanor the other day at Starbucks and she is fine, but when she saw me, her expression changed and I could see how worried she is for Louis. Perhaps she doesn’t love him anymore, but she still cares about him and how he is taking all this. She told me she has tried to talk to him, to explain things better, but he doesn’t let her.

“You okay?” I hear Hannah asking and next I feel her hand taking mine, our fingers tangling immediately.

I take a glimpse at her for a few seconds before focusing on the road again. I’ve learnt that if I’m with Hannah, I have to be a better driver, even more if it’s snowing. “Yes, I’m fine. I was just thinking,” I answer with a smile that, I hope, will put her at ease.

“About Louis, am I right?” She inquires next and I open my eyes in surprise. “I know you’re worried. Have you talked to him?”

I sigh, remembering all the occasions when I’ve tried talking to him about it, but he doesn’t say much. He snaps pretty quickly and just tells me that all women are the same and that he’s better off now so I shouldn’t worry. But I can’t help it. This is not the Louis we all know and love.

“Yes, but he doesn’t want to talk about it. He wasn’t like this, you know?” I tell Hannah and I know she is paying full attention. I know I can tell her anything. “He was this extremely energetic lad, always making jokes and having people laughing. You couldn’t be bored if he was around and he didn’t mind making a fool of himself just to have a good time.”

“Doesn’t seem like that now,” she comments and I sigh again, squeezing her hand.

“No. He is bitter all the time, snapping at the smallest thing and avoiding all women. Can you imagine how hard that is with fans? A high percentage of our fans are girls and he doesn’t want to touch them. And he doesn’t seem to move on and I’m worried,” I confess and for a few seconds no one says anything.

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