Epilogue ~ Harry

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  • Dedicated to Everyone!

~Read the author's note at the end, please~


Epilogue ~ Harry

Long time ago I never thought I was going to be a worldwide pop star, with millions of fans and the four best mates I could ask for. I never thought people would see me as a role model or anything. I never thought people would follow me just to get a picture of me. I never thought I was going to feel alone while being surrounded by so many people. And definitely, I never thought that I was going to meet the girl of my dreams the day my car broke down. But I did and it was a long and difficult journey to get where we are today, but I think it was worth it. Every day I fought for her, every time I felt like giving up —and when I actually did—,  every tear, every sleepless night… all these things were worth it because we’re together now.

I must admit there was a moment when I thought she was never going to change, and that loving her was hopeless, but she did change. She opened up to me, poured her heart and asked for a second chance. For a moment back then I thought of leaving, to save myself from a worse heartache, but I couldn’t. So I took the risk and trusted her again and it was the best decision of my life. Or maybe the second, the best one was calling to Morgan’s Mechanics, because that brought Hannah into my life.

Hannah has changed so much, yet she is the same. What is different now is that she doesn’t hide anymore, she is not afraid of losing people and loving them. She is the sweet, compassionate, funny, witty, sometimes sarcastic, competitive girl that I love, but now she is like that with everyone. Now everyone can see how amazing she is, why I love her so much. Why she is the girl of my dreams.

We go out as much as we can, we hang out with my friends —who are her friends, too, now—, sometimes with hers, as well, because she is making loads of new friends in Uni. We do many things together, we are happy and since I met her, I’ve never felt alone again.

I still remember those days when I saw the guys with their girlfriends, waiting for them at the airport, so happy to see them again. But at that time I had no one for me. There was no one who would miss me the way Mila, Alex and Eleanor —in that time— missed the lads. But now I do have someone, I have the most amazing girl ever waiting for me at home, missing me as much as I miss her and today I can’t wait to see her again.

We are coming back from Italy for a break after two weeks in Europe already. We’ll carry on with the other cities later, but it’s time for a break and we’re back in London. We’re at the airport right now, picking our luggage. Alex and Niall are holding hands, as usual. Now that she is part of the crew, Niall is even happier than usual and they don’t have to spend time apart. She is busy working and so is he, but they can see each other every night, something that none of us can do.

After what happened in Italy, Louis is avoiding everyone. I know he is thinking about everything that happened in that country, but I do believe things will get better from now on. He needed this experience. He says he needs space and Kay told us to give him what he needed, that she would take care of the rest. That we needed to treat him as usual, so that’s what we do. We pretend that he is not acting differently, that he is the same Louis, although he still have issues with women.

Zayn disappeared as soon as we landed, practically running and I’m not surprised. When I look at my right, Mila and Zayn are hugging and snogging, not minding the PDA at the airport packed with paparazzi.

Liam stayed behind… with Tammy. Yeah, long story and I still don’t understand what’s happening there.

I know Hannah is not here and I’m okay with that. She told me she had to work at the garage because her dad went to Cardiff for a meeting to expand the business. She said she was sorry but she would be waiting for me at home. She made sure I would know her father is not going to be there tonight. So yeah, I’m dying to leave the airport and see my girlfriend. We have to catch up, you know?

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