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So her sisters, Timena and Arietta decided to help her have a nice shower for the first time in awhile and it was nice until they were shampooing her hair when a chunk of her fell out of course the chemo thin out her hair, but it freaked her sisters bad.

"Uh we will be back!" Timena said.

Just like that, they left her alone and they didn't expect it and didn't know what to do and how to respond. KJ was pissed after they explain what they saw. Kristina looked down at her hair on her lap and understood Amanda for the first time in that moment.

Kristina, my hair what happened I'm scared!

Kristina remember her response.

Breathe, Manda it all part of chemo. Hair or not you are gorgeous!

For Kristina, it was hard to remember her response when she is stuck with understanding Amanda from a patient POV.

"Well it happened!"

She admitted loudly and bursted into tears.

She then remembered her proudest moment buzzing her hair off to give Amanda support.

Later that same day Christian decided to buzz it off his hair to show Amanda that he is with her on this journey.  Feeling inspired, the next morning Kristina did the same with the help from the barber, Ralph who usually does the recruit the guys long hair, she had to ask him with sarge help and hearing the story of why she wanted to do it, he was honored to do it. The Sarge got Amanda and Kristina's family on Skype before starting, Sarge said.

"Amanda guess who want to buzz her hair to show support?"

He flipped the camera and Kristina was in the seat nervous but excited.

"Kristina Freakin Apa no-your hair is beautiful!"

Amanda said as she started crying.

Tessa teared up as she misses Krissy. Her siblings were moved that she was doing it. KJ deep down was so proud that she literally doing it.

Kristina said.

"First off: hi family!!!! Oh the whole crew. Sarge you did not tell me my family were going to watch!"

Amanda laughed.

Kristina stated.

"Girl, hair is hair and I wanna show my support and show that bald is beautiful and handsome like I said to Matt and what Christian did, I wished I did it for Matt even though I buzzed his hair. So I'm doing for you and in memory of Matthew: Ralph, I'm ready. Breanna, Annie hold my hands!"

The razor began and off it went as Amanda was speechless that Kristina did this and when it was done, Amanda was like dumbfounded.

"Kristina, you are crazy like always but you look badass even with your uniform!"

Kristina jumped within excitement.

"Bingo!!!! It will grow back."

Josh missed the whole thing and Kristina got to the table.

"Hey Babe!"

Josh looked up to greet her and his jaw dropped. Brianna had KJ and Amanda on FaceTime to witness it.

"Uh Kristina your um hair is."

Kristina said.

"I know I buzzed it all off to show Amanda support."

Josh said trying not to cry as it take him back when he did this in front of Kelly.

"Whoa, I could get used to this."

Amanda said.

"Good answer."

Josh sees KJ and Amanda on FaceTime.

"Hey so Manda you are shock?"

Amanda admitted.

"At first, but I'm so proud."

KJ nodded.


KJ would do the same for her years later.

Tessa came in and try to calm her down.

"Breathe! So sorry that your sisters leave you in position with your head is full of shampoo."

So Clara came in to help as well as KJ was relieved and second she adored Kristina. KJ was furious at his older sisters for leaving Kristina alone in the bathroom.

"Really T and A? You knew that is part of chemotherapy treatment."

The girls felt horrible after the fact.

Kristina got changed with Clara's and mom help and she was wheeled out with a towel covering her head and her eyes were puffy from crying.

"All fresh and clean."

Clara announced cheerfully.

Timena and Arietta deeply admitted how sorry they were and Kristina apologized but she said.

"I had that instinct when Matt was going through it but no I stayed and gave him the best shower and told him with hair or not he is still handsome. He encouraged me to clip his hair with the clipper and so Michelle brought his in and I took a deep breath and did it for him and it turned out just fine."

Clara said.

"Man you weren't scared of using it?"

Kristina said.

"It the one KJ uses so I pretty much knew how. Matt was so proud of my strength, Concentration and end results!"

Sure enough Michelle showed a video of her setting up the clipper and the blade to use.

"Ready Matt?"

Matt nodded.

She put forth everything to help him and really concentrated for hours on end. At the end she was done.

"So what you think Babe?"

Matt embrace her.

"You did incredible, Love! I think you found a calling."

Kristina said.

"NO babe no."

Everyone laughed.

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