Matt's Junior Prom and Honoring Kristina

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Kristina enjoy watching her son grow everyday from the moment she was expecting, they had their up and down but Kristina helped him through it all with a guide from KJ, Tessa, Keneti and her sisters also Josh's family!  It was a big night for her son. Tessa, Keneti, Arietta, KJ and Timena and Josh's family plus KJ's Riverdale family were there for support for both of them. Matt came out.

"Mom, what you think of this suit?"

Kristina smiled.

"Sharp! Your dad would be pleased with this suit."

Matt hugged Kristina.

"Man I wish Dad was here. Do you think he would be proud?"

Everyone choked up at the question.

Kristina said.

"Of course he is, Matthew! From the moment you were born, you were his world and he vowed to raise you to be the man he would have wanted you to be. Since your father passed, I put my heart and soul and as well as your family stepping up in raising you to be the man your dad want you to be. Dad is definitely here now and I know he is smiling."

The two hugged and the doorbell rings Matthew's girlfriend, Chrissy came in and Kristina noticed something familiar with her gown as well as her son's tie.

'Wait a this what I think it is?"

She looks close at Matthew's tie-sure enough it was her first love's prom tie.

Matt said while being aware of the story from Cami's recording of his mom telling the story of the prom gown.

"Surprise mom! We decided to honor your first love, Matthew."

Vanessa, Cami, Lili and Molly choked up.

Kristina smiled at the same time fighting back her tears as Michelle hugged Kristina as she whispered.

"I gave him the tie."

Kristina breathe and wiped her tears and said.

"You guys now that's amazing!"

Chrissy said.

"This is a gorgeous gown despite the story of the actual event with your senior prom."

Tessa said hugging Kristina.

"It is!"

Kristina hugged them both.

"This truly touched my soul as I often thought about what could have been. Now I am truly at peace for the first time in years finally I can put it all behind me."

So they took photos and the two left for prom.

Halfway through the prom Matt's school staff invited the student's parents and their families plus friends and they sat down at their table. Matthew smiled at his mom as she settled in her spot and admired how pretty she looked in her uniform.

After multiple classmates and friends of Matthew honored their love ones, the principal called up Matthew and he said.

"Thank you, Principal Harris! When we got the memo of our Junior prom and how it was going to be, I was excited. When I got to the line, I can honor anyone: friends and family-basically I knew it would be a heck of a long slideshow to honor both sides of my family."

Everyone laughed.

Then a photo came up on screen of Kristina and Matt when he was 7 years old.

He continues.

"Deep down, I knew exactly who I wanted to honor tonight. My queen and a son's first love: My Mom. From the time my father died on my 7th birthday which the photo up here, she had assured me that she would always be there and she worked hard nonstop with the help of our families. I promised Dad that I would take care of my mom and I have. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for my families, but most importantly my mom have taught me so much to get me where I am."

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