05. broken up

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small time-skip — 2 weeks

Y/N was exiting the building of her last class of the day when she felt someone's hand grip her shoulder. She turned around quickly, getting ready to defend herself and tell the person off, but she met a familiar pair of dark eyes.

Mikasa gazed at Y/N with an unreadable expression. Other students were bustling past them, but it felt like they were the only two there and not in a good way. Y/N watched Mikasa's lips move, but she couldn't hear a thing.

Y/N wasn't scared of Mikasa because she was never given a reason to be, but she was scared that this meant Eren could be around the corner. He'd been texting Y/N non-stop for a week, but he gave up once he realized he'd never get a response.

"Answer the question," Mikasa spoke slowly and coldly, sending chills through Y/N and pulling her away from her theories.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said," she muttered in response. Holding Mikasa's gaze was near impossible when Y/N felt she was being analyzed in every way.

"Why?" Mikasa sighed at Y/N's confused expression and decided to elaborate, "Why did he break up with me? You did something, correct?"

Nothing could explain Y/N's thoughts upon hearing those two questions. The truthful answer to the first and second questions was Y/N didn't know. Maybe he did it because she'd refused to hang out with him if Mikasa was in the picture, but Y/N couldn't believe she was nearly that important to him.

"I-I," Y/N stuttered and struggled harder to hold herself together under Mikasa's dark eyes, "Look, I don't know."

"Am I supposed to believe that," Mikasa's voice held the most emotion Y/N had heard thus far. Disgust and anger.

"You have to. I haven't spoken to Eren in two weeks. Go ask him about it." The pressure Mikasa was putting on her was unparalleled to anything Y/N had felt before. Instinct told her to leave, but she was being held in the spot she stood.

It felt like a year had passed when the rain started to trickle down from the clouds and Mikasa spoke again, "I would if I could." Was all she whispered before brushing past Y/N and leaving her speechless.

The only thought traveling through her head was: they broke up.

Y/N started to make her way back to her dorm slowly. What would that mean for her and Eren? Was there even a Y/N and Eren to speak of? Two weeks of unanswered messages from Eren would answer Y/N's questions, but there was still a problem.

Almost a year had passed since the two had separated, and every message from him begging her to respond tugged at her heart. Who would she tell about this? Was there even anyone to tell? Should Eren reach out first or should she?

More and more questions were piling up, but answers would arrive soon, Y/N figured. After all, she was now stuck in place on the sidewalk looking at Eren's caller ID.

Eren was a mess, but most of the girls whispering about him at the cafe couldn't notice. The bags under his eyes looked like they were meant to be there, placed by whatever god pieced the beautiful man together. His eyes were bloodshot and glazed over, making Y/N positive that he'd just finished smoking. There was so much tension in his jaws, it made his jawline pop even more. He was an absolutely beautiful mess.

"Surprised you answered," he mumbled softly avoiding Y/N's gaze and circling the top of his cup with his finger.

Y/N was surprised too. It didn't make sense that she answered or even why she agreed to meet him. Part of her wanted confirmation for what Mikasa said, and part of her wanted to know if she really did cause it.

Y/N cleared her throat, " I, um, heard what happened." She didn't know whether or not she should've been so sensitive to his feelings, but she still cared for him. Breakups were hard and Y/N had experienced a painful one with the man in front of her.

Eren snapped his head up to look at Y/N, "How?"

The longer his intense eyes stared into her own, the harder it was for her to look at him. His question had stunned her, sure, but his gaze almost scared her.

"She came to see me today..." Y/N shivered as Eren's eyebrows turned downward.

"I told her not to fucking... okay, what do you think?"

What do I think? she asked herself. It was a damn good question. The walk to the cafe had her wondering the same thing.

"I—," How could she ask what she needed to? "I just have one question."

"Shoot," Eren sat back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Did I have anything to do with it?"

Y/N was thrown off by the sudden sad, slow chuckle that left Eren's lips. "Honestly, you were a damn big part of it, but..." He ran his hands through his long brown hair, "There was a lot of other shit wrong with the relationship."

Silence hung in the air before Y/N spoke again, "What do you want from me?" It was the second time she'd asked him that question, but the response she got was completely different than what she expected.

He leaned across the table and folded his hands before responding, "I want you back, but a friendship is fine with me."


"But more than anything, I want to see you at a party tonight."

chapters written only for pushing the story along are never my favorite to write but i hit a small wall. :((
~ ollie

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