the end

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hello! thank you so much reading and giving me the confidence and space to finish this. i enjoyed writing this so much and while a few parts were undoubtedly cringy, i've come to the conclusion that that is damn near impossible to avoid while writing fanfiction.

of course, this isn't goodbye. i have a good few ideas for other fanfics. most prologues and first chapters are written and have been for about two months lol. i just wanted to finish this one and give it most of my energy before moving on.

this really helped me to understand what i hate and love about my writing, inside and outside of fanfiction. since one of my unshakable goals in life is to become a published author, i'm grateful for giving myself this creative outlet and for you encouraging it. though i didn't take it as seriously as i do other projects, i'm still somewhat proud of this.

and that concludes this fanfic ladies, gents, and pretty people. once again, thank you.

~ ollie

p.s. editing this gem is going to be a bitch lol. this whole story bout to be subject to change lmao.

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