Chapter 3

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I woke up in a pool of sweat. I had a horrible nightmare during the night, where I was back with Hydra and they tortured me for getting involved with the enemy. Except the avengers weren't the enemy, they were the good people that the world needed to help defeat people like Hydra. And thank god i was now part of it.

I got out of bed and headed to the shower. I washed myself off of all the sweat and washed my hair for my first day as an avenger. All my anger from the nightmare I had was boiling inside of me and I had to get it out, I thought the best way to do that was to go to the training room as throwing punches at a punching bag and focusing on my body cleared my mind. It was a technique I had learnt when I was trapped at the Hydra base to keep my mind off the awful things they made me do.

"Hey jarvis," i call for the robot Stark told me about, as i get out of the shower.

"Good morning, miss parker" he replied, his voice echoing around the room.

"What's the time?" I ask, as i didn't have my phone or watch on me and there was no clock in the bathroom.

"It's 7:23am, miss" he tells me and I thank him before getting dressed. It was still a bit early so i was kind of hoping that no one would be in the training room. However, when i got down there, I was greeted by a few people of the group.

"Good morning, y/n" Steve and clint greeted me with a smile.

"Oh, Morning, y/n" Peter turns around noticing my arrival.

"Morning guys" I smile at them, clearly i needed to be down here a lot earlier to be able to train alone. In the corner of the room, I could see the red haired woman I met yesterday throwing some knives at a target, hitting bullseye every time.

I walked over to the punching bags which weren't to far away from her. I began punching and punching, causing loud bangs to travel around the hall.

"You alright there?" Steve approaches me.

"Yeah, just need to clear mind off a few things" I reply, I could feel someone staring at me from behind. No doubt the rude red haired woman.

"Ah, fair enough. You have some strong punches, you know." Steve was a kind man. Very sweet when he spoke.

"Thank you" I reply, smiling at him then continuing to attack the punching bag watching as Clint and steve left the room.

"You need to lift your elbow up" I hear a voice behind me say. I turn around to see Natasha Romanoff staring at me with her arms crossed.

"Thanks, I guess" I reply, as we stare at each other. Her piercing green eyes staring straight at mine. I turn around and continue punching.

"No, you are still doing it wrong. Look" she comes up next to me and hooks a punching bag next to the one I was using. I couldn't help but stare as her muscles tensed when she picked up the bag and her beautiful concentrated face when she put it on a hook.

"Watch how I do it" she tells me as she begins to throw a few punches at the bag. Obviously, she did it perfectly.

"Know you try" she demands and I try my best to punch as good as her.

"Closer, I guess" she shrugs.

"How do i do it then? I can't really do it just by watching you" I say

"Just, try keep your elbow up higher, then your punches will be stronger and more accurate. You'll probably pick it up quite quickly" she gives me a nod and a small smile before going back to her knife throwing.

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