Chapter 36

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A/N: ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: there will be scenes of extreme violence in this chapter. Advance at your own accord.⚠️


Bang Chan frustratingly shoved his laptop away. A dead end again. Trying to trace where that photo came from was impossible. "Minho, this isn't working! We need to get them on a call! If it was this easy to trace the fucking phone, they would've been here when she first messaged that prick!" He didn't mean to lose his temper, but since Y/N had been kidnapped, and since they had received that photo of her, the group had been worried. They just wanted her back.

Lee Know sighed, rubbing his right hand over his face in frustration. He was growing tired, nonstop looking at a computer screen trying to trace a photo for hours was draining. "I can try calling her number. If we up the security in our phone for the call, they shouldn't be able to trace back to us while we track down their location. could be a while until we get her back..."

Hyunjin had been listening in through the door of Bang Chan's office. His expression darkened when he heard Lee Know say how it could be a while until they get Y/N back. He wasn't sure why he cared so much for that stupid girl. Maybe it was because they had become so close over their periods of training, that walk they went on, their four day long mission they had to do together. He had grown fond of her, and he didn't want to see her hurt. They didn't have days, those psychopaths would kill her when they got what they wanted. He trusted that Y/N wouldn't tell them anything, but he wasn't sure how long she would be able to hold out for. In fact, Hyunjin didn't fully know their interrogation methods. None of the gang knew about how RM and his men interrogated people.

Felix popped his head around the corner of the kitchen, seeing Hyunjin still listening into the conversation between Bang Chan and Lee Know. He silently sighed, slowly approaching the tall blonde with a saddened look on his face. "Hey, you're still here? We all miss Y/N, but we just have to be patient, Jinnie. Listening in will only make Chan and Minho feel more pressured." Felix placed his hand on the tall males back, causing Hyunjin to look down at him. The shorter blonde offered a friendly smile, before motioning to the kitchen. "Come on, Binnie is making some food. You should eat."

"They've been in there for hours, with no luck. Wouldn't it be better if we just went out searching?" Hyunjin muttered in frustration, walking with Felix to the kitchen. The shorter blonde didn't respond, and Hyunjin knew why. They couldn't just walk around searching, they had no lead on where the other gangs hideout was. They would just have to hope that something would pop up, and soon.

Lee Know picked up his phone, and began working on tightening the security so he could make the phone call. It didn't take him very long, he was the hacker of the gang afterall. Once he felt like the security of his phone was tight enough that the enemy wouldn't track the location, he dialled Y/N's phone number. Bang Chan watched anxiously as Lee Know put the phone to his ear.

Lee Know almost gave up, the phone just ringing on and on in his ear. The call not picking up. But just before he was about to hang up the phone, the other end picked up. "Hello?" He spoke into the phone.

"Hello, Lee Know." RM spoke on the other end. "Why don't you put your dear leader on the call." Lee Know glanced over to Bang Chan, who nodded and held his hand out for the phone. If Bang Chan kept RM busy, Lee Know would be able to track the location of the call. If they were successful in that, they'd be able to find where RM and his gang are.

"Where the fuck are you, RM? You have Y/N, don't you? Let her go. She doesn't need to be dragged into this." Bang Chan stated seriously down the phone, and instantly Lee Know got to work at trying to trace the call.

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