Chapter 3: Pain And Confusion

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Well, isn't this a hard one to narrate? Separate point of views in separate timelines...

Oh, well. Anyway!

First, let's dive back into the American Revolution.

It's not like they could just all sit around and do nothing. They're still in the war. They don't know exactly what specific time period of it, but it's still the war. Whilst fighting off the British, they thought about where Luca could've ended up in. They thought he would be back with King George, but according to Hercules' letters, he isn't there. 

And there Alexander had a thought. 

"...You think," He bit his lip because even he himself doesn't really want to say what he's about to say. "Luca really is the source of most of our problems?"

Washington frowned, "What?"

"Think about it!" Alexander goes. "When he got kidnapped and brought back here, the war's nothing but even more hell! And look at what happened.... We all died!" He bursts out. "Now that he's gone, the war's not that rough anymore unlike before when he was here. And we're all alive and no ambush!"

Washington thought of it, but he didn't want to admit to agreeing with Alexander. Instead, he just averted his gaze from him and said, "Well no matter. Let's focus on the war."

Although it seemed obvious to Alexander that he was trying to defend Luca by simply ignoring his statement - even though it was true. 

. . .

Meanwhile, with Luca himself, the lad's been silently having panic attacks from just living everyday life. He's so used to the Medieval days that being back in the modern world felt so new and amazing to him. 

Although with the trauma of being in a war, it led to him jumping at every small noise he hears. When he hears something, he'd think that it's the British and they're coming for him again. Currently, he's sitting on his bed, fully wrapped around his blanket, surrounded by stuffed animals... And eating ice cream. 

Ah yes, what a protagonist we have here...

And then suddenly his phone began vibrating. He almost shrieked as a reaction to it. He peeked over to see who it was - of course, it was none other than Angelo.

The messages said:

'hey bro, u okay?'

' something wrong? u keep freaking out about everything yesterday like its the first time you've been to canada'

'how hard did u bump ur head??'

Luca let out a sigh, knowing that he can't tell Angelo anything. And with one hand, he replied:

'dw, im fine. just a little jumpy yesterday, is all. srry abt that :)'

Lame and stupid excuse, but thats all he could think about for now. And there he pondered, "Wait.. So does that mean that the rumours are true?"

Well, the main reason they went to the forest in the first place because Angelo said that it's rumoured that the spirits of historical figures reside there. Well, they certainly didn't see dead people lurking around the forest, but being transported back to their timeline was surely something.

And as Luca thought about this, he screamed: "HOLY MUFFIN OF PRIME CHURCH!!"

And there he momentarily choked on his ice cream.

He grabbed his phone again and was about to call Angelo about it. But then again.... He's still trying to keep this as a secret from him.

I guess tomorrow, he's going to have to dive deeper about this whole situation before he starts speaking his mind.

[srry for short chapter, i really dont know what else to put-]

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