Chapter 9: Flowers For Your Aching Heart

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[Hi, Author from the future here. I'm sorry this has been delayed longer than I wished for it to be. My parents decided to low-key ban me again for no reason. They said they don't want a blind son who has seizures (I never had one, dw-) so my mom keeps away the computer each time school is done. It's bitchy of her to wait for me to leave the room before she poofs the computer away..... If this chapter doesn't sound as good, then I'm also sorry about that cos things haven't really gotten better (Speaking of, I've noticed whenever I try to be happy and/or positive, things get jinxed so badly... Like wtf. Let me be happy for a little bit..) and I guess this is just one of those days where I've forced myself to write again. It's been keeping me up at night that this chapter is still isn't out, so I made sure to finish it today lol. All that you'll be seeing beyond this point is what I've written from past other days. I hope you enjoy! :) ]

[The title was based off the song this song:

Specifically the line "I'll make a cup of coffee for your head" lol. Idk why, but when I was imagining this chapter in my head, it just gave me crazy Death Bed vibes. And hilariously enough, I was listening to this on repeat while writing this lol]

It was a rather rough one last night....  Luca was crying and Angelo didn't know why, but with a shaky explanation, Angelo understood. Lovelorn for so long, Angelo knew what to do. He stayed up all night to comfort Luca until they both seemed to have fallen asleep, with honestly not much memory of what happened last night. Their minds were clouded and they just kinda passed out. Albeit Angelo woke up earlier than he usually does. He actually woke up earlier before anybody else did. 

He looked at the alarm clock beside him placed on the bedside table and saw that it was 5 AM. He yawned as he rubbed his eyes. Well he's pretty much awake now and if he flops back down on the bed, he'll just get pretty bored. So getting his ass unstuck from the comfy bed it is!

He looked over at Luca who was still sleeping and let out a sigh. He thought of something to do today. Something for Luca.

He got up and did his morning routine and made a quick little sandwich to eat. Afterwards, he put on a hoodie and his face mask, and there he left the house. 

It was almost 6 AM which was nice, because he's just mindlessly walking around a ghost town while everything is still closed it seems.

He waited around in a park while catching on some livestreams from his favourite Twitch streamers. Occasionally, he would walk around again to check if something is finally open. The mall was close to being open, but it took them so long to prepare that he almost fell asleep while sitting on the stairs. 

When it was finally open, the guard approached him and tapped on his shoulder. "Sir, the mall is open now. You're free to enter."

"Finally..." Angelo sighed.

And after a quick temperature check and all, Angelo went in and headed right to the women's section of a clothing shop. He bought a white blouse and a dainty long dark green skirt. The cashier was intrigued by the Cottagecore fashion choice especially since it's being bought by a male. Angelo noticed this and uttered, "Heh, it's uh.. F-For my girlfriend... Yeah.. We've been stuck in quarantine for a bit, and uh.. She's been kinda down in the blue, so I thought a cute outfit would do the trick to brighten her day, y'know?"

"You're a wonderful boyfriend then, sir." The cashier replied back.

"Heh, thanks..."

And with a quick trip to the flower shop, he bought some flowers to turn into flower crowns. 

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