Chapter X: Have a random fun fact

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I feel stressed and dysfunctional... I have so many things that I could do that it's making me have a headache, so here. Have a random fun fact, so I could ease the pain by distracting myself by writing random shit...


Fun fact: last chapter. Chapter 8 1/2... Remember the two last lines from Angelo? Yeah, that was based off a fan song about Ranboo, a Youtuber's character in the Dream SMP having panic attacks. Basically his character is a bit of an amnesiac, and since he's half something else, his other half often takes over which leads him to "sleepwalk" and do things the real him wouldn't really do (cough, blow up an entire building). He has a memory book where he writes down all he thinks that he needs to remember. But ever since he lost his memory book, he's been having panic attacks and just loses it while sitting in a black room he calls his panic room with a bunch of cats for comfort. 

So, there's a fan song about this, which is called "Monsters" and since it's very catchy, especially the lines "Everything's going to be okay, nothing's going to be okay... I know there will be brighter days... I tell myself it's not my fault, it's all your fault... There are things I can't recall.."

(Plus the chorus: "There's monsters in my head! There's a monster... Looking back at me!" and "I'm sorry I can't help but panic..." also "Everything's just all blurry lines...")

It was stuck in my head while I was writing, and then as I was writing the part where Angelo was comforting Luca, my mind just said "You are hopeless... You are fine"

So... I just wrote "You are okay..."

I was going to write "You are hopeless" but then I realized that it sounded so wrong in the context of Angelo trying to comfort Luca xD

So I just quickly erased that :>

Also here's the song. Please listen to it, it's really amazing and it's hilariously how I imagined it would be if Ranboo ever had a song (although my version may or may not have been more angsty and dark, rather than this song of where everything sounds calm and chill..)

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