Chapter 16: One Last Time

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[Im gonna be honest, I actually forgot about the book, until I had a "Oh shit" moment. I would have updated this sooner, but Im still pretty much banned so.....

I have my ways though lol. Also um, trigger warning. Angst. Thats it. Angst that may trigger some people, so heads up

Also this is absolute cringe. Well at least for me. I honestly dont know what I was doing for this chapter... I kinda was almost on my way out of the fandom while writing this, I just want to finish this because it'll haunt me for life if I just abandoned this suddenly

(Also cos I already wrote some other shit for future chapters before I actually wrote this one lol)

So I just wrote something shitty and was like "Yeah, fuck it. We're rolling with it"

But then I remembered King George existed, I watched random shit about his songs (like animatics and stuff) and then now I wanna stay back in the fandom, cos this man just brings me to tears (from laughter) for breathing

(No seriously, the video was loading, and I was already about to lose it cos I knew it was going to be funny cos its King George)

So yeah... Who knew yandere british dude could actually save you lmao

Hopefully future chapters would be better cos King George is here to motivate me back into the fandom

Also, dont expect too much. This is just kinda like a bridge. Just like with what I did for "Secret Garden Of Glass" back in Book 1 (I think it was), this is just kinda like a way to connect some big angst shit I thought of for the next chapters, so it wouldnt seem weird that more angst just happens outta nowhere

Also angry Luca. No, not Luca just smacking people to go help with the chores. Actual angry and angsty Luca that swears—

Boi finally goes mad lol

Also more details and info about how Luca reacted to the modern world after being sent back, cos y'know... I kinda forgot to touch on that (even though I had so many plans for it ;-;)

Again, I hope you all enjoy :) ]

Dear lord Author, your 'PSA' is already 200+ words long. You're turning into 8-Bit Ryan. You're explaining so much random shit, whereas literally 90% of the people reading this would just want to start reading...

(8-Bit Ryan is a top tier Youtuber, i love him. No actual hate to Ryan)

[Can you stop roasting me please? Its already hot af here. I dont need to get burnt even more]



At least a week or so has passed, and it seems that in a few days, they're gonna have a corpse in the house.

Well fuck.

They're all stressed and they dont know what to do.

And like how pretty much all the readers expected right from the get-go, they all fell into absolute chaos. And as expected, Alexander spent the most time with the dying general. It was risky but it didnt matter to him. Not at all.

And through all this pain and confusion, he though of something... "It's all Luca's fault." He muttered
under his breath.

That's right, folks. Remember in the earlier chapters when Alexander said that Luca's presence is responsible for the ambush, and how Luca's very existence during their time period, everything went to hell? That hunch is back and he's blaming the lad for sure.

With all these moments he has gathered as facts, he deemed Luca to be a bad omen.

And as the loudmouth he is, he spoke his thoughts out blatantly. Everyone was surely taken aback and the others saw and understood Alexander's reasonings and have had their thoughts about siding with him on this one.

Even Mr Aaron Burrito Sir :(

Luca was helpless. No, not that kind of helpless. He realized it too, and it made him question himself. He felt like crying. He wanted to defend himself but he didnt know how, because everyone was against him.

Except for the one whos always been there for him since they were little kids.

Angelo stepped infront of him and defended him. He retorted back to the others. Even if Luca may really be in the wrong, he didnt care at all because he loved Luca. And just like how he is to Andy, even if it may only be one-sided, that'll be enough for him to go berserk on anyone who'll try to hurt him.

Even if he's also just a midget, and he's facing off big and strong war veterans from the 1800s.

Not long after, the fight began getting rather physical. Angelo needed help.

And to everyone's shock, Luca smashed a chair on Alexander's head. Even Luca didnt know he could do that, but he just did. And it was all to return the favour of trying to protect Angelo as well.

It seems that he has upgraded his floof stick (the feather duster) to a wooden chair. Finally, he yelled back at them. He glared at Alexander and the others (except for Angelo of course) to be grateful that Luca was kind enough to bring them in and adjust to modern life.

He said, "For all I care, you all could just rot in the streets and die to hyperthermia. Do you think I wanted this?? DO YOU THINK I WANTED ANY OF THIS??! I WAS A NORMAL KID 'TILL NY LIFE WAS FUCKED AND NOW I HAVE TO DEAL WITH AN OLD MAN DYING UPSTAIRS."

[I was about to reference Technoblade and write "Old man with heart problems"]

And thete he broke down into tears. "I couldnt even sleep at night without thinking someone will assasinate me after being suddenly dragged into a war. I had nobody there to help me because I knew that people would've thought I've gone mad... I never fucking wanted any of this.."

He curled his hand into a fist and almost bruised Alexander even more, despite his bleeding face, but he didnt have it in him anymore. Instead, he stormed out the door.

...And never came back.

Thats right. A week passed after the whole argument and Luca never came back. He wasnt answering to anyone on his phone either. His social media accounts were dead, he never answers any calls nor to any text messages.

Perhaps he commited suicide?

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