Chapter X: Queen Charlotte is concerned

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I'm really sorry for not uploading anything. I know most of you would say "bruh it's only been like 1-2 days. A bunch of other authors always go on hiatus for months and years, what're u talking about?"

yeah but here's the thing... last night, i couldnt sleep cos the voice in my head kept annoying me that i didnt upload anything :')

i tried to argue with it, but hahah.. i was still wide awake cos of randomly stressing out about the story.. I would've uploaded something today (to stop the voice) but when I opened up the computer and then logged onto Wattpad, I just felt like shutting down and just lost all motivation to even do anything and I just felt a bit stressed being on the Internet in general, so I just ended up playing some Minecraft and I built a house lol 

(u guys wanna see it? im actually pretty proud of it- especially since its the first ever house i built here on pc minecraft-)

But I swear I have something prepared... Well sorta. I was working on Chapter 7 yesterday, but I just felt stressed with working again, so I just decided to save my progress, stop, and do something else...

I guess I'm just having more burn outs again.. 

But anyway, here's another random filler

For context reasons, basically I have this King George muse account on Quotev, and there was also this Queen Charlotte muse account on there too. So me and her always comment on each other's posts and just act as our muses

(speaking of, I just find it really amusing that I check her profile to see if she posted anything new, then apparently she always does the same to me. And whenever one of us posts, we always like each other's posts and comment down something random-- i barely know her admin, but i just find it really cute-- (and this is coming from a guy who cried last night cos he lost a friend again) and pretty wholesome)

Then one time, I was in a meme-y kind of mood, so as King George, I just posted something random and shitty, then Charlotte commented and it was hilarious

Then one time, I was in a meme-y kind of mood, so as King George, I just posted something random and shitty, then Charlotte commented and it was hilarious

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if you cant see it clearly, this is how it goes:

The og post: Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw

Queen Charlotte, commenting: George?

King George: Yes?

Queen Charlotte: You want to be fucked with a chainsaw? This is quite unusual

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