Chapter 12: Declaration Of Not Duelling The Amazing Hamilton

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You do realize what "Netflix And Chill" means... Right?

[ Mhm ]

And you know that it's inappropriate to put that as a title in the last chapter... Right?

[ Mhm ]

And I'm sure you're fully aware that nothing of the title is related to the actual chapter... Right?

[ Mhm ]

Then why did you still use that as the title?

[ Mhm-

Naw joke.

Just cos "Netflix And Chill" means 'something else' doesn't mean I can't use it for it to have a different meaning.. Me and my dad used to 'Netflix and Chill' all the time; we lie on the couch, eat some chips, while binge-watching The Good Place and other random movies we find! Netflix and chill! :D

Anyway, now get narrating or else you won't get your pay this month]

yOU doNT pAy mE AnywAY??

[Get narrating]


*Shuffles through paper and clears throat*


So, as Luca smacked them with his featherduster, the guys were still quietly questioning Aaron. Meanwhile, Angelo was on his phone, searching up where this line could possibly come from cos American history is not a part of his brain yet. Wait... What...

[I dont know what I wrote either]



So he went onto Google, and did some research. And after doing so, he nudged Luca and showed him what he found; a whole wikipedia page of the Ham-Burr duel.

They both glanced at each other, glanced at the others arguing as always, and then back on the phone. 

"You think what I'm thinking?" Angelo smirks.

"Aw, you know I do!" Luca smirks back. 

Oh no...

. . .

So basically here's the gist of it, Luca and Angelo made some dialogue and made Alexander and Aaron to act it out, as a replacement of what actually happens in the future.. Er... What happened in the past?

Damn, time travel really is confusing... But you all know what I mean.

And here's how that played out...

Alexander frowned as he was forced to read out the dialogue Luca made for him. "Hey Burr! You've got a lot of good ideas, so let's be no less than very good friends!" He reads out, cringing so hard. He glanced over at Luca and saw him quietly clapping as he smiles brightly and shows him a thumbs up.

"Hey friend," Aaron starts, reading the dialogue Angelo wrote for him in response to Alexander. "That ol' mind of yours maybe isn't really so old after all. You already are the smartest people who ever lived!" And there Angelo quietly squealed cos of his own writing.

Meanwhile, everyone else who was watching was laughing so hard - especially Washington. I mean we all know that Dad always enjoys it when his kids are doing random things like this; even if two of them were forced to.

"Well I'm throwing away my gun into a bucket of water!" He goes as Luca hands him a nerf gun, glances down to the bucket of water that Luca slid over to him, and yeets it in there.

"Yo, me too!" Aaron answers - according to the script, with Angelo also handing him over a nerf gun and a bucket of water.

"Well, I'm giving you one of my sophisticated handshakes, and we'll be good friends again?" Alexander responds as he was forced to shake hands with Aaron. While Aaron was forced to the same.

"Oh yes, Hamilton! I'm signing the 'Declaration Of Not Duelling The Amazing Hamilton'! Hah!" Aaron answers back as Angelo hands him over a piece of paper with terrible handwriting that is literally labelled as the 'Declaration Of Not Duelling The Amazing Hamilton'. And as the declaration states, 'Mr Burrito and Mr Hamster aren't going to duel with each other cos nerf guns can get pretty painful, so they're just gonna be the bestest of friends and look at rainbows together :D'

Who even wrote this?

[Luca and Angelo]


Why is the declaration written with sharpies and scented highlighters?

[They're creative homies]


Moving on-

Alexander then snatches the paper after Aaron signed it with a glitter pen and signed it too. "Me too! Definitely!" 

After they signed the paper, they high-fived, fist-bumped, and then made pew pew noises as they also threw finger guns at each other.

The guys clapped and laughed at Aaron and Alexander. Meanwhile, Luca and Angelo were high-fiving each other because wow they just saved Aaron and Alexander's friendship and lives. Totally. And then there was Washington crying happy tears, cos his kids are actually getting along for once.

And then, there was Aaron and Alexander...

Yeah, they aren't really too happy about any of this. But they just pretended they were cos Luca and Angelo are looking at them.

[Yeah, I had a lot of fun writing this... Here's the original video of that skit though

And yes, this was real. And performed by Leslie and Lin themselves lmfao]

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