Chapter 5: I Know Him

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[Just so you all know, I don't know much about America even in modern times, and I know most of you who are reading this are Americans, so please don't sue me for this-]

They all woke up with a groan, yet again in the forest. Now you'll all be like, "Duh!! They got squashed by the tree in the forest! Of course they'll wake up in the forest!!"

Hush motherfucker.

This isn't just any forest...

They didn't know what just happened and didn't even bother to dwell in it. They've already experienced weirder shit than this, so it's like a casual Monday for them at this point. Washington, as always, decided to lead the way and tried to find a way out of the forest - with the others in tow.

And there they found themself in a different city. It isn't like what they would expect. Big buildings, asphalt roads, and vehicles made out of metal! whhHHAAATTtttt????

"....This isn't America." Alexander comments. 

Oh, it actually is. Just America in the future that is.

"WHAT??!" They all shouted in unison.

Of course they heard me...

Yeah, um. Like I was saying, this is America in the future. Y'know...

Where Luca is from? 

"I thought Luca was from Britain." Hercules commented. 

Yeah, and no.. He's British, but he lives in Canada. And now he moved to America.

"Is Luca somewhere here then?" Lafayette asks.

You just have to find that out for yourself. But he's here in New York though. 

"This is New York??!" John gasps.

Yes, yes, yes, and yes. All your questions, yes. Just get moving!

"You heard the voice in the sky. Let's go." Washington commands, and they all succumbed. 

Walking through the streets of New York, they were very surprised about all they've seen. They recognize some things from Luca and his belongings, but everything around them still makes them feel so dumbfounded.

Another thing they've noticed...

Most people around are wearing masks. "Is wearing a mask some sort of part of American culture in the future?" Aaron goes. "Probably." John answers.

Little did they know, China has done goof and then now the whole world got involved.

Hercules looked around and there he saw, someone walking on the other side of the sidewalk that seemed familiar. Raven black hair, snow white skin, thin eyes, claims he's grown but he's still pretty short in comparison to his peers, anyway--

It looked like Luca, and so they were all like...

'Wait, I know him.. That can't be

That's that little guy who spoke to me... All those years ago.. What was it?

85?? That poor child, the world's gonna eat him alive!!

oCeANs rISeee.. EmppiRreeSS fAAaaaLLlll


And while they were all having that moment, Luca noticed them. He gasped and walked over to them. "Guys, how did you get here??!" He squeaked as he pulls down his face mask a bit and tried to breathe because for fuck's sake, if you're not going to die from covid, you're gonna die from the pain of wearing a mask.

But still wear your motherfucking mask, you little shit. It's important. Not only for you, not only for your friends, for your family... But for the whole world as well.. I am dead serious about this. If you still don't understand why I say that it's important for the whole world, then you are stupid. I am too tired to try and explain to you as of why...

'Dying from wearing a mask' was just a joke because of how hard it is to breathe with wearing a mask, especially in Author's experiences. Don't take it seriously and don't think it's okay to casually take off your mask. You can, but not for so long. 

[Yeah, listen to Narrator]

Yeah, listen to me.

Anyway, when Luca pulled down his mask, his face became clearer to everyone's sight and wowie, it really is him. Before Luca could actually try to breathe, his free trial of oxygen has already expired due to Hercules crushing him by the power of hugging... Again.

And to top it off, the rest of the Hamilsquad crushed his bones into powder. 

Actually not literally, but you get the point. 

"Okay, I think he got enough hugging, you guys." Aaron commented as everyone then pulled back. Luca smiled brightly upon seeing his good old pals again, and of course... He dived into hugging Aaron as well. "Well if it isn't Aaron Burr, sir!" He smirks.

Aaron hugged him back as he chuckled a little. "Hey there, Luca."

Next was Washington. "Mr Washington!!" Luca chirps. 

Washington smiled warmly as Luca hugged him too. Washington, of course, hugged back and ruffled his hair. "You've grown quite a bit since we last saw you!"

Luca chuckled a little. "I-I guess so... But... What're you guys doing here? How did you even--"
"We blame John." Lafayette answers. As everyone else nods and John laughs awkwardly.

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