Random Fun Fact about Angelo

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(I was going to finish the latter half of Part 2 of Chapter 18, till school decided to drop us more shit right after exams. So uh, have this dumb random fun fact cos why not)

Fun Fact:  Lafayette isn't the only one in the squad with a long-ass full name. Angelo's real full name is Emilio Miguel Angelo Gabriel Antonio Suarez. (Angelo is supposed to be pronounced as Ah-ng-hell-o and Gabriel is pronounced as Gah-bri-ehl) 

Why is his name so unreasonably long? It's just a culture thing in the Philippines. All his older siblings have long ass names too. Plus his parents were dumb and can't decide what to name him. 

Some others, like Luca, also always liked trolling him and tease him with weird and cringe variants of his whole name (Ex: "E-Mi-An-Ga-Ton-Rez) and of course, Angelo is always pissed off whenever people do this. During his childhood, people also used to call him "Migalo" (Miguel + Angelo :v) 

Hamilton: Twist In Clockwork Fate [OC II Book 2]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora