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so anyway, im low-key freaking out rn. i spent the night mentally freaking out. and its not helping that my notes are a dysfunctional mess. i low-key forgot what i was going to do for the story and where i was going with lafayette and his miraculous crisis and all the bullshit that comes with it. because i was thinking that while lafayette was having his problems, a bigger problem arises and then lafayette's miraculous problem comes into play then lafayette would be the hero of the problem without the others even knowing cos of plot reasons, then with lafayette solving the big problem his other problem also gets solved. now here's the thing, i forgot what those problems are and how they connect to each other and what i'll be doing for each individual chapters. i checked my notes and scrutinized every detail of it, plus with me staring blankly at the fucking outline and all the eye-blinding and stressful amount of sticky notes in the notebook. it's stressful to look at it. im starting to hate the notebook again. I've been trying to remember for weeks now, but I can't and it's stressing me out. No notes are being useful to me and its painful because I always write a lot of notes to remember everything and bullshit. lmao wtf. i feel like dsmp! ranboo. with his whole crisis of him losing his memory book. double wtf. my friend told me that i was the ranboo of the homeless smp. theres a smp im always on called the homeless smp. and she calls me ranboo cos of it. triple wtf. why is my life like this. quadruple wtf. what am i even doing. five wtf. what do you call the fifth one? six wtf. idk. seven wtf. i dont even know how to search that up on google. eight wtf. google is shit when you arent specific as fuck. ninth wtf. why am i still typing this. tenth wtf. well fuck arent i a giant mood. what am i even doing anymore lol. i just realized now that people may see this and go blind from how shitty this vent thing. something. idefk anymore.

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