Chapter 19: That Would Be Enough

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[ This is more of a flashback thing. You know how some shows suddenly backtrack and start showing this other character to further give more important information on this other person's point of view on a specific event in the story? Yeah, that's that.

And honestly, I don't even know what I'm writing- But just, enjoy :') ]

When Luca ran away from home, he didn't know what to do nor where to go. He just stormed out and ended up mindlessly walking around. But that was until he suddenly remembered that Covid existed, and remembered what happened to Washington and wanted to find a place to stay. It's better to stay inside than to mope around outside. 

Fortunately, there was a place he could go to. A flower shop, one that has stood the test of time, operating since the 1940s, and still going strong. Passed down from generation to generation, and now being owned by Luca's dear friend from high school - Luis Grayson. 

Entering the establishment rang the front door's bell. Luis was occupied with something which meant for him to not really notice who entered. Assuming it was just another customer, he simply greets: "Welcome to-", but as he glances up, he gasps. "Luca??" 

Luca waves. "Hey Luis! Long time no see, eh?" His amber eyes turned down to the old and deteriorating D.I.Y space helmet Luis was holding. "I see you still haven't given up on being an astronaut."

Luis chuckles as he puts away the helmet. "Nah, just reminiscing." He sighs. "I'm good down here on Earth."

"Really?" Luca forces a little smile. "Even after all of us suffering cos of the pandemic? I'd take that opportunity to Mars if I were you." He haphazardly jokes. Luis opens up the flap from the side and walked up to Luca, answering: "What's so good about Mars if there's nobody there to enjoy it with?", as he wraps an arm around him and pecks his cheek.

"You're still really into me, huh?" Luca responds, whereas Luis only responded with a little shrug. "Why, is it wrong if I am?" He smirked.

Luca shakes his head with a small smile. 

"Well anyway, what brings you here? And where's Angelo?" 

Luca then had an 'Oh shit-' moment. He remembered that the war veterans being in his house is not really a casual occurrence, and them being there is a secret. He wanted to tell the truth but he simply can't. So he awkwardly sugarcoated the argument and blamed it on Angelo.

Sorry Angelo. 

Luis frowned upon hearing Luca's 'fake' story. " 'Gelo, really did that to ya?" 

Luca hesitantly nodded, still feeling a bit guilty that he had to blame it on Angelo for the sake of their little secret to be kept hidden. "But, it's definitely nothing crazy! Just... We just kinda need space from each other, y'know?" He smiled a little, hoping that Luis would take the bait and not actually get mad at Angelo. 

The brunette sighed. "Well, if you say so." 

He hopped back over the other side of the counter, and strolled into the back area of the shop, offering for Luca to follow in which he did. The back area looks more like a diorama of an apartment than some florist storage space. 

"Mind explaining why there's a bed and a coffee maker here in the back?" Luca chuckles, surprised to see all of this. Luis sheepishly rubs the back of his head, "Back and forth from the house and here is a pain. Besides my parents are already staying at the house. Best I make my own place here for the ease of work." There he went over to the coffee maker and made some for him and Luca. "Make your self at home, Lukey." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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