(King George's Glass Of Spiders)

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ah yes my shitpost is complete

i didnt put too much effort on king george's clothes because for fucks sake, it'd be big pain to draw his crown and robe over and over again

oh also, Luca's wearing Dream merch lmfao

I just made him wear a simple hoodie, but I thought that it was too simple, so I thought of just making a little smiley face for a simple design. Then when I was making the line art, I realized it looks like one of Dream's hoodies (Dream - the big Minecraft Youtuber if you still don't seem to know) so... Yeah. I just went with it xD

theres also a little reference back to Book 1 near the very end lol

(also please appreciate what I put on the Water, Milk, Juice, Spiders, Dr Pepper part lmao. idk, i just think that part is funny-- or maybe thats just my bad humour-)

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