Chapter 15: Down goes the general

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[If this looks bad, I blame mobile Wattpad. No offense  to anyone on mobile, but I'm more of a computer user and Im just not used to this, so... Yeah. Also my dad's iphone is so small and painful...

Also thanks TempoSongPhoenix for the title lmao. Its better than the crappy titles I think about lol

Also auto correct cannot chill... At all.. Its absolute pain]

Admittedly, they've grown a bit dependent on Washington. He always takes the lead in everything and everyone would follow with little to no questions asked. Now he's gone, who's in charge?

Voluntarily, it's Luca and Aaron.... Well, sort of. Luca doesnt exactly know how to command people and whenever he thinks of something that someone else could do for him to lighten the workload, he just ends up doing it himselr. Meanwhile, nobody really listens to Aaron... Except for Luca and Angelo.

Because of this, there are times where Aaron would glare at others with intentions while wielding the kitchen knife (because he does most of the cooking). Its usually pointed towards Alexander.

Good thing Luca is there to go all-Samuel Seabury - Heed not the rabble. Chaos and bloodshed is not the solution - y'know all that jazz - reminding Aaron about the contract of not hurting Alexander. Thereafter caused Aaron to turn back and continue aggressively chopping carrots.

So Luca had to massage his shoulders to try and calm him down. Honestly, sometimes Aaron just pretends to be mad just so he can get a free massage from Luca.

At the moment, they were all just sort of together. Luca and Angelo are preparing lunch in the kitchen, while the others were in the living room. The house has a very open space floor plan which allows them to see and talk to each other freely.

[And it is only now that Im proud of actually designing a whole house for them at the start of Book 2.... All those times I stayed up at 2 AM, intently staring at the TV screen - watching house renovations and crap paid off lmao]

Lafayette was on the couch, watching the news on TV — being the only surviving member of the the Tele-Trio. How sad.

Angelo and John were brainstorming on what to do as well as researching on the Internet for some possible alternative ways to help Washington. Hercules was bonked by Luca with a featherduster so now he's forced to vacuum the living room. (You dont diss Luca's featherduster kids)

Meanwhile Alexander was upstairs with Washington. He has read up more about the virus last night — again on Luca's computer (He practically owns it by now. He never really gives it back to the midget) — and he was anxious about what may happen to Washington.

"So... How're you feeling?" Alexander asks.

"Shitty." Washington replied simply as he ends up vigorously coughing, though he tried to cover his mouth while turning to the side opposing to Alexander to try and be further away from him.

Although it wasnt visible through Alexander's mask, he was frowning. He was proper upset with just helplessly watching Washington in this horrible state. He sighs, "Is there anything we could do to help you in some way?"

Washington smiles weakly as he shakes his head. "Your company is already enough for me. Thank you."

Alexander nods. "Of course. No problem...... D-Dad."

Washington was taken aback. He's always thought of them all as his children and treated them as such. The others enjoyed it and has always accepted his love and care for them. But Alexander? He was quite stiff and has always denied it. Albeit before Washington could utter a response, Alexander was already heading out the door — responding as if nothing happened at all. He left with the announcement, "Luca should be coming up here in a bit more to give you a meal too."

It was weird, thats for sure. Just when you thought you've cracked him, his walls start fixing themselves and its like that moment never even happened.

That sentence was never even said.

It was painfully confusing.


Author, you should stop reading Six Days. This is about Americans. Some British novel about being enslaved by Russia ain't gonna help you write better—

[— Hush, you're just jealous of my fabulous book collection uwu]

Did you just uwu at me—

[Keep narrating.]


Where was I?



Alexander takes off his mask and decided to take a quick shower to cleanse himself off of possible germs that could infect him too.

[I swear I couldve worded that better but I just forgot the term—]

Of course you did.

Afterwards, he headed downstairs for lunch. Everyone gazed at him as he walks down.

"So? How is he?" Hercules asks.

"Eh, could be better." Alexander answers.

They all then sigh.

"So far, all answers lead to bringing Washington to the hospital." Angelo states. "Yeah. There ARE some sites explaining about home quarantine, but I dont think Washington's case would handle that any longer." John adds.

And to make matters worse, here comes the news interrupting them with a news report of certain relics of the past kept in the national museum magically disappearing. Logically, the news reporter says that it could have been stolen.

But the question is—

"Who the hell would steal things like that in a museum during a world crisis?"

Exactly what John said.

Especially things about the American Revolution. It's 2020. No one really cares about that now — *And there the fans cried Hamilton* — especially since the world has a bigger problem at hand.

And while they were all occupied with that, there goes Aaron and Luca, screaming in the background cos they almost forgot what they were doing; the rice cooker was overflowing. The eggs are almost burnt. The tea kettle is steaming. Aaron slipped on the floor cos Luca friggin spilled some water and forgot to clean it up—

Yeah, they arent really the best people to be in charge — especially to be the ones the in the kitchen. But hey, they're trying their best.

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