Chapter X: Jefferson Vs King George with a slice of Seabury and Madison

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[Edit: Hey.. Author from the future here. Yeah.. After writing all of this, I've noticed how chaotic this is and I'm cringing so hard but I just really wanna write it so... Um... Heads up MAJOR CRINGE also idfk where this went. My brain just let loose and do whatever shit I thought of]

[i know this is another filler chatper, but i've had this stuck in my fucking head for so long, and I just wanna write it. I was going to write Part 2 of Chapter 10, but I decided to write this instead cos I dont feel like writing the other one, and it'd be better if I was in the mood rather than the opposite, so... Hope you guys enjoy whatever shit my brain thought of at 3 AM lmao]

King George was at the other side of the fourth wall. By the other side of the fourth wall, he cannot be seen nor heard by the characters canon in the story, but King George can see and hear them. He's annoyed that he's not really a part of Book 2, and only shows up near the end...

Meanwhile Thomas appeared out of nowhere. "You're pissed you aren't getting much screentime?? Bitch, I never even got into the story anyway! I was scrapped from the original plot line!"

"You were scrapped? The author didn't even think twice with pretending I don't exist.." James coughed.

King George and Thomas moved away cos like hell are they staying near that dude, especially cos he's coughing.

Then while they were arguing about this, Samuel came in with a cup of coffee. "Wait, the author remembered you guys? "

"Yeah... No one really cares about you, Sam.." Thomas replies as James nods along in agreement. "Mhm. True that." King George agreed too.

Samuel frowned. "Oh c'mon, George! I thought you were loyal to the people you care about!"

"I am.. But.. We're just spitting facts." The king answered as he turned back to the JeffMads couple. "So anyway, let's threaten the author of his plushies to get me more screen time." He boasts.

"If we're taking his teddy bears hostage, I should be the one deserving to get screen time! I didn't even appear in the whole story!!" Thomas retorts.

"Well yeah, but at least you were mentioned in the chapter titles." The king shrugs.

"Bitch, I need spotlight. That damn Anglo-Jap devil spawn just stole my line..." Thomas growled.

King George bitch slaps Thomas. "Don't you dare call my Luca a devil spawn!!"

"OH iM soRRy yOU kINkY PEdO" Thomas retorts back as he vigorously pushes the king away.

"hOW aM I KinKY AND a peDO??!!"


"SHUT UP BARBIE DOLL!!" The king yelled, referring to Thomas' magenta coat and his love for fashion.

And then suddenly as the two were arguing, their boyfriends were just standing on the side, watching. "So... How much do you bet?" James asks. "I bet about 10 dollars for, uh, Thomas to win, I guess."

Samuel sips his coffe, "I don't know man. George seems to be having a lot of fun insulting 'Barbie' "

James couldn't help but snort. "Fine, what do you bet, Sam?"
"I'll double it and bet 20 dollars on the king."

"Talking big, are we?" James smirks.

Samuel shrugs, "I could just ask for more from him anyway."

James chuckles. "Lucky."

"You've got a sugar daddy."

Samuel chuckles back. "Naw, just a loyal ATM machine."

James raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Samuel noticed two of King George's little brothers approaching them. "Watch." He answers to James as he motions to the little brothers.

James then looks over to the two as they approach George.

"Big brother!!" The two call out as they tuck on George's sleeves, acting like children.

The argument, that was getting quite physical, then stopped because of them. George glared at them. "What do you two want now??!"

"Money, please!~" They smiled.

George groaned. "Go away, I'm busy! Ask Augusta for some!"

One of them pulled on George's arm to drag him away from Thomas as he shot daggers at Thomas. "She won't give us any money! Come on, big brother! You love us, right?"

Meanwhile, the other one also began annoying the fuck out of George. They kept guilt-tripping George into giving them money, saying that George doesn't love them anymore because he isn't giving them any money, as well as threatening him that they'll disown him as their big brother and that Edward, the third oldest brother they have, will be their new oldest.

George frowned. "What do you even need the money for?! Don't tell me you're going to go gambling again!"

"Well yeah..." Says one. "I'm seducing someone with it~" The other says.

George grumbles as he succumbs to the requests of his little brothers. The two rejoiced and happily scampered off with the money given to them by their big brother. "You're the best, George!~"

George grumbles, imitating the last thing they said, knowing that he's being used. He just can't say no to them cos he loves them, so he just quietly stays with this torture.

"Hah, who knew the king could be manipulated so easily into throwing money around?" Thomas teases, proceeding to imitate George's little brothers from earlier. "Oh George, we love you so much that we know you'll give us money!!~ Yay~ "

George frowned as he got quite flustered. "S-Shut up, Jeffershit!!"

And after another insult from Thomas, the king didn't know what to say anymore.

"Ah." James goes.
"Mhm.." Samuel drinks more of his coffee. "And it seems like I lost the bet."

James laughs as he puts his hand by Samuel and motioned for him to give the money. Samuel rolled his eyes as he pulled out 20 dollars from his pockets and put it on James' hand.

[ I thought the king was only in love with his children, but it looks like he's weaker to his younger siblings. I've been researching too much about King George III, and a part of my research has said that king george loves his siblings as much as his children. Most of his younger siblings (for those who dont know, George is the second eldest of them all. He has an older sister, that's named after their mother, Augusta - as mentioned earlier in this devil spawn of a crack oneshot) like to gamble or use up their money to swoon women. And often times, most of them always use up too much of their money. So who they run to? None other than their lovable big brother who will always give them cash, cos this poor man just loves his siblings too much.

After all that I've read about King George, I can actually see this happening. So it's kinda hilariously sad that he's treated like this. But then again, I'd be the same if I had siblings ] 

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