Chapter 14: Washington On Your Side

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[I just wanna say.... People say that too much Mcdonalds are bad for you... You know what else is bad for you? BEING A LITTLE BITCH! whAt aRe You?? sPonSoreD bY SalAD??

(Hi author from the future here... Idk why I wrote this... I just found some random out of context stream clip of Georgenotfound screaming it out, and found it hilarious.. so... ah..)

Also IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm not an expert with medical crap you're about to see here. Most of these are from what I've researched, and some are from personal experiences]

It was all going good for these eccentric war veterans living in the future. They've explored around a bit of New York and got even used to this new twist of lifestyle. Though they miss their original timeline quite a bit, they still force themselves to live in the 21st century. Besides, they always get distracted with all of the amazing things they discover everyday.

Although due to them living in 2020, curiosity and exploration came with a cost. And that was the cost of losing George Washington....

....Well, not yet. But it feels as if Washington is close to meeting Death real soon.

Washington is always the one who's going on supply runs. He takes one for the team and is always leaving the house.

[Also, just quick note, sorry this is unrelated but ya'll need to listen to Biggering - the scrapped Lorax song on Youtube. It's just so beautiful (I'm not saying this cos its about corruption and pride), it's just... Its full of emotion, and its really an amazing song. Honestly, it fits Alexander and Aaron imo... But mostly Alexander lol]

And what happens to people who always leave the house in a world like today? That's right. Getting exposed. And what does getting exposed get you? Chances of being infected. And that's exactly what happened to Washington.

At first, it started with him feeling weak and losing his sense of taste. Nobody really cared about it, and it didn't matter to Washington either. For him, it was only him letting himself go. He's a busy dad, so he doesn't have time to take care of himself.

Little did he know, this was what lead to the downfall of his immune system which allowed for the virus to attack him successfully.

Second, it ended with him having problems breathing - plus coughing. And after a day, he went down with a fever. And down was General Washington.

The others didn't know what to do with him. To make things even harder, they can't exactly expose Washington to anybody else, because... Well... He's still from the past. What if people ask his medical records? Other personal information? They can't just fake some documents in a few days.

And even if they can, it's not like the hospitals would be dumb enough to believe. And with them going down the path of faking Washington into a hospital, it would just lead them to even more greater problems that they won't be able to solve.

So, Washington's staying in his room in the meantime. What about Aaron? Washington sleeps with him, so surely Aaron was more exposed to him that anybody else. Thankfully, Aaron was safe. But where is he staying now? He was happy to take the couch downstairs.

Now without someone to really lead them and help them, what will they do now? Yeah, they're full-grown adults. But they're dysfunctional ones. Besides, there's still the problem of what to do with Washington.

He is going to die if he doesn't get proper medication. But proper medication ain't something they'd be able to get, could they?

Without Washington by their side, what will they do now...?

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