Chapter 18: Housewife Radio (Mulette) (1/2)

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(I'm sorry if this all sounds shit. I didn't exactly plan the later half of the chapter and I'm tired lol. There's also no reason why it's titled that. I was listening to that song while writing this, and since the lyrics are metaphorically themed around sewing and shit, I guess it was kinda connected with what happens in this chapter.)

During these past few days, Angelo and Aaron have become more closer to each other. Angelo now understands why Luca seems always so attached to Aaron, and Aaron understands why Angelo and Luca look like they're meant to be. Angelo is literally just a dumber version of Luca but he's Southeast Asian. Anyhow, it was even better because of the fact that Aaron has a new helper again. Aaron thought Angelo the system him and Luca made to keep the house 'in order', and Angelo happily obliges - all because Aaron is his new best friend now too.

Geez, what is Aaron's appeal to young Asian boys?

Oh no, that sounded so wrong.


He didn't have anything to do today. John was the one in charge this time to bring Washington his meals and visit how he's doing in the quarantined bedroom. He was just sitting on the bed in his and Lafayette's shared bedroom. He was sewing a red hoodie. He was obviously pissed and was using what he does best as a distraction and a stress reliever. As he was, he noticed Lafayette walking into the room and getting some clothes. It's obvious that he's going somewhere. 

So after Lafayette changed in the bathroom, he asked: "Where are you going?"

"Supply run." The Frenchman answers simply. "Aaron's running out of ingredients. Plus we need more cereal..." He sighs, "Angelo's been sneaking at night and eating it all again."

Hercules laughed at the mention of Angelo being the culprit of the missing cereal, but he was still obviously upset. Of course, Lafayette noticed. 

After the Frenchman took his things, he walked over to Hercules. "I won't be long." He pecks the latter on the cheek as he smiles. "You worry about making that hoodie for your lost little boy, and I'll be worrying about buying enough food for a family of seven." Lafayette states, giggling at Hercules' flustered expression, as he was taken aback by the sudden kiss. "Au revoir!~" He waves, pulling up his mask and leaving the room. 

Hercules blushed as he turned to the door after Lafayette closed the door behind him. "You bitch!" He yells, hearing Lafayette laughing hard from the other side of the door, the laughter fading as he truly left. He continued to sew, though seeming to be more aggressively. And because of this, he accidentally began hurting himself with the needle he was using. 

He groaned at the pain, as he now can't stop thinking about what Lafayette did, as he felt so helpless.

(I'm so damn sorry that it's all short again. I would have continued making the whole thing, but I feel so stressed rn. I want to rest but I can't. I also want to try and post something because I said I would, and it would kill me inside if I actually didn't. So just take this half. The second half of this chapter would be posted tomorrow or something. Idk. Depends if school can give me a break...)

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