Chapter 10: Viva La Vie (Part 1/2)

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[Don't you ever just look at a notebook and start stressing out? I almost forgot what I was gonna do for the next few chapters, so I looked at my notes and I saw the abomination of writings and all the sticky notes with aggressively all caps letters and exclamation points, and its pain to even read that... So... If this seems crappy, then that's because I took five seconds to look at my plans, and decided that I'll just improvise it lmao.

Also I split this into parts because I want to at least put out a chapter, but since I can't actually finish the whole chapter then I'm just splitting it into parts. So yeah-]

Another morning comes and while everyone was downstairs, about to have breakfast, Lafayette was still in his and Hercules' bedroom. He found out that he still has the original Miraculous box for his necklace. He was planning to put the necklace back in its box and keep it away for as long as he can. 

He was currently sitting on the bed, pondering about this as he stared down at the magical piece of jewellery. During the war, a strange man approached him one day and showed his gratitude for his braveness and all that he's done in the revolution by giving him a gift; which was the necklace. Albeit the man did warn him. The man said, "Watch out for the consequences."

Lafayette didn't think much about it at first. But when he wore the necklace, that's when he knew that the man who gave him the necklace in the first place wasn't just some random citizen.

The powers of the necklace helped him and his comrades greatly. The necklace gave him the ability to be faster and to be stronger. It also gave him the ability to free his comrades of burdens they would feel which lead them to stop fighting.

He was happy and excited about his newfound powers, but said consequences kicked in and he was oblivious to it. He began prideful and claimed that every government was bad. With too much freedom, he became a madman.

Hold on...

Who is this? Technoblade?

Yo, I never knew Lafayette was secretly Technoblade!

That violent piece of shit hates governments and blew up an entire country because of it!


Lafayette enjoyed too much of his power, which lead him to lose himself. But luckily he managed to control himself before it was too late. This miraculous is almost like a curse to him. He would've given it back to that strange man if he could, but he never found him again. 

And now here he is faced with the necklace.

He puts it on and out comes Leerie. 

"Gilbert, what is wrong with you?! Why did you put me away like that??" Leerie immediately bursted out. Lafayette frowns, "Desole, Leerie... I just wasn't ready to see this again."

"Oui, but... I could've at least helped you, y'know.." Leerie answers as he looks around the room. "Where even are we??" 

"Long story, Leerie." Lafayette answers. Suddenly a familiar voice became louder as it approached the door. Lafayette flinched. "Quick! Hide Leerie!" He whispers as Leerie flies down into Lafayette's jean pocket and Lafayette hid the box in one of the drawers, as well as covering the necklace he's wearing by swiftly putting it inside the turtle neck he's wearing.

It was Hercules who came. "Hey Laf, breakfast's ready. What're you still doing up here?"

"Oh, uh, nothing.... I was just uh--" Lafayette utters. Hercules gets closer, and we are all well aware about the ship. "What were you doing, huh?" Hercules asks again.

Lafayette gulped as he looked into Hercules' eyes and he was ✨ h e l p l e s s ✨ 

"I was just tidying up some stuff..." Lafayette lies. Hercules raises an eyebrow. "Who knew Luca was a good influence. You never clean up your shit."

"But neither do you, Herc!" Lafayette retorts

Hercules chuckles. "Touche!"

Washington, who was watching his children eat at the dining table downstairs, walked over by the stairs. "If you two don't come down here right now, you won't be eating breakfast for a week!" He yells.

"You heard the man," Hercules smirks. "We better get going and catch up." He then holds Lafayette's hand and walks down the stairs with him.

Leerie, who was peeking from time to time, smirked from seeing the two holding hands. "Ooh la la~" He smirks.

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