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You know its fun to randomly act out the scene you're writing. One day, there was a moment where my parents were downstairs and I was able to be left upstairs. I was thinking about my plans for this book, especially the climax, so I randomly thought "Why not act it out?" so as Lafayette, I began walking around the room in circles then I was just pretending to talk to myself with a French accent (I dropped the accent later on. I cringed so hard because it ended up sounding fucking German...) while trying to imitate a voice i imagined for Leerie too. 

Lafayette was panicking and Leerie was telling him to calm down. It was hard, cos I was about to scream at 'Leerie' until I realized that I can't really get into character as much as I wanted to, because my parents may hear me and would think I'm insane. My mom already had her suspicions and so did my dad, but it died down a few years later, so hopefully they don't suspect me now...

It was funny though when I also tried to voice Luca and I failed miserably cos I don't know how to ramble about medicine :')


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