Have some crack

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[So while I have some time, here's some crack fillers like what I did in Book 1. I don't feel like writing angst, after shit went down irl and I just feel that things are getting worse because of other things. So... Have some (hopefully) funny shit. Hope you enjoy :)

Again, none of this is canon. Except for the last one i suppose (?) ]


"Alright, I'm going to buy some groceries. Don't do anything stupid, okay?" Washington glares at all of them.

They all nod and salute.

Washington sighs and leaves the house.

And then five minutes later...

Traumatized Aaron hiding under the table. Chaos ensued. Nerf guns everywhere. Spilled milk. Yes.


And this is why you don't let Luca prepare breakfast:

Luca stared down at the cereal that he put mashed cinnamon rolls in. He looks at the bag of spaghetti he found in the fridge. He groaned and scolded himself, "We're not adding the bag of spaghetti!"

"But I really want to add the bag of spaghetti!" He tells himself as he opens the bag slowly. "We're not adding the bag of spaghetti, it'll taste terrible y'know!"

"But the spaghetti..." He pouts as he almost pours spaghetti into the cereal bowls. And there was Alexander, who just woke up, and saw Luca argue with himself about putting spaghetti in cereal with a disgusted 'What the fuck?' face.

Luca just smiles awkwardly as he turns around and continues muttering to himself, "Alright... I guess we're not adding the bag of spaghetti.." 


It was 12 AM. John was wide awake, thinking about the personification of Spain from Hetalia. Spain loves turtles too and in one episode of the show, he had a shit ton of turtles all vibing under his shirt and his pants. John got jealous of him. 

And so he thought, "I wonder how many turtles I could put inside of me..."

Then he gasps as he starts doing the math of how many turtles he can fit in his hoodie, pants, and his socks. 

And there was Alexander who was trying to sleep, but keeps getting woken up by John fanboying about turtles. "Go to sleep, John!!" He yells.


It was getting very chaotic so Washington went onto Google to find some family bonding activities that he could do with his boys - to at least get them to calm down and stop being so chaotic.

So he thought of all of them making a cake together.

And as always, it ended up disastrously. The kitchen almost began burning down, again. Hercules almost went aggro because he couldn't find his M&Ms. Angelo who stole the M&Ms poured all of it in the cake batter without any of them noticing. Luca pulled out 3 full cans of frosting and threw all that shit onto the cake. And Alexander and John argued who's gonna cut the cake and get the first slice. And then Lafayette was just laughing about how there's so much frosting that the cake slice can't even stand up on the plate without falling over and looking like it's.... Diseased.

And Aaron? Aaron was already busying himself with cleaning up the equipment they used and all to get away with tasting the cake. He took one look at the batter and he already knew that it was worse than them eating their horses during the war.


King George huffed. "I can't believe he just removed me from the script... I literally was going to appear in one single scene, and then the Author was like 'Oh, you know what, fuck him. Let's pretend he never appeared in the end!'..."

Thomas laughed his ass off. "Serves you right!"

King George frowned as he took off his shoe and slapped Thomas with it. "Shut up, Barbie! I'm still more memorable than you!!"

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