Chapter 10: Viva La Vie (2/2)

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[I sorta don't know where I'm going with this. I mean like, I have this scene in my head that I have planned, but the rest? Naw. I'm just going with the flow with this one, so if it sounds weird and seems like there's more fillers than usual then maybe thats cos. Yeah, sorry about that. Hope you guys still enjoy]

As always, breakfast was utter chaos. Alexander was aggressively typing while he was eating his cereal. Alexander still doesn't have his own laptop because Washington fears that it would be for the worse if he does, so he's still using Luca's. Alexander hasn't really done much on Luca's laptop to make big changes. He just abuses Microsoft Word and chokes this little folder Luca made for him to store all the things he writes by saving too many Word files in there. The keyboard also can't metaphorically breath, because at every milisecond, Alexander is always spamming the keys. 

But hey, Luca is a nice guy. So even if his poor laptop is getting wrecked, he's still happy to let Alexander use it.

And lately, Alexander has discovered Twitter!

Oh dear...








If the author has learned anything about Twitter and being in the Dream SMP fandom, it's that everybody gets death threats for breathing. It's only calm when Hidekaz Himaruya posts something on Twitter, because everyone always enjoys what he makes.

*Glances to the racist children who are turning into literal raging volcanoes because the human personification of  Philippines is a boy and not a girl, as well as everyone screaming for Hetalia to actually die for real, and because it's apparently Nazism that the personification of Germany has blonde hair and blue eyes*


Um, anyway....

As I was saying, this is going to go terribly for Alexander.


Maybe not..

He's using aggressively long essays and overwhelmingly big words while typing down his response to all the arguments he's getting into. Big words and long essays always make all the bullies back away. Author is OP with it. Whenever his friends being harassed, he just hits the harasser up with a long essay arguing why they're wrong, and you'll never hear from the harasser ever again. 

And damn, Alexander is on a roll with doing the same.

. . .

At the moment, they were all vibing on the couch. Well most of them. Luca and Aaron were cleaning the house. It was getting messy, and things that are messy is something Luca despises a lot. So if you ever live with this man, expect that everything looks brand new because of how much effort this man puts in with cleaning. 

Washington wanted to help out too. But Luca didn't want him to. Luca told him that he deserved a break, so he must rest on the couch and enjoy some TV. But Washington still insisted to help. So Luca got annoyed and he smacked with a feather duster and pointed to the couch with a pissed-off and rather unnerving grin. 

"Fine... I'll go watch some TV. " Washington grumbles.

"Your cooperation is most appreciated!" Luca answers as he turns and continues with what he was doing before Washington rudely interrupted him with his volunteering. 

Washington was currently switching through the channels on TV, looking for something interesting. And there we saw some news about France. Everyone got intrigued because... France. Yeah.

[ Mmm.. Francais~ ]

You dirty little demon, not that France... Not everything is Hetalia, bruh. Shut up and let me narrate in peace >:(

[ Fine, I'll stay quiet now ]

Thank you, Author.

Okay, where was I...?

Oh yeah, France! 

The news was nothing really anything extravagant. Just news about these two superheroes named Ladybug and Chat Noir. Lafayette was more intrigued because he's got a kwami vibing in his pockets. And kwamis are the reasons why people get their powers. Leerie peeked out and watched the news. He gasped as he noticed the two young superheroes. 

Lafayette glances down to Leerie, and Leerie seemed like he was freaking out. 

Luca went over to the living room, hearing the news about Ladybug and Chat Noir. "Hey, aren't those dudes from the anime?"

"Anime?" Hercules asks.

Angelo smiles as he swish swooshes through his phone and showed them an anime about these two young French superheroes. "Yeah! There's a French anime about the adventures of Ladybug and Chat Noir!" He answers. "Woah, I never knew they were actually real..."

"How the hell did you not know the anime was based off of real people?" John goes.

"Hey man, not everyone has the time to research the very details of everything they watch. You just watch and don't question it. Like how you don't question why Yagi Tomoya suspiciously likes children too much."

John frowned, "In my defense, he ain't no pedo. He just really likes children and that's really cute. Shut up."

And this is why introducing John Laurens to anime was a big mistake. 

[Also for context and safety sake, yes, a Miraculous Ladybug exists.  It was actually the first version of Miraculous Ladybug. It was originally going to be an anime, but they had an issue with budgetting and such, so they moved to CGI and made a bit of more changes, such as changing Adrien's looks and name from a stereotypical Englishman-styled guy named Felix, to what he is now. As well as with making Marinette's hair a tad bit shorty, because in the original anime version, her pigtails were way longer. They have also referenced the anime thrice in the CGI show we all know today. In the episode "Animaestro" (SPOILERS) the whole plot revolved around the IRL MLB creator, Thomas Astruc, being bullied because he made a movie of Ladybug and Chat Noir. And you may notice that the movie was an anime movie, the same scrapped anime version of the show. In another episode, "Sapotis", Marinette pulls out a bunch of DVDs that her and Alya were supposed to watch, but then the first DVD on the stack had the anime as its cover. And in another episode, "Felix", the old version of Adrien became canon as a real character as Adrien's evil cousin

Okay, I'll shut up now]

After that little anime introductory, they turned back to the news as more was introduced about these French heroes. They weren't your regular American Superman, they were different. They were like Lafayette, and Leerie knew it for sure.

Lafayette snuck to the bathroom in the meantime. "So... That happened." He awkwardly says.

"How are you so calm about this, Gilbert??!" Leerie squeaks. "This is revolutionary!"

[my motivation died, and I honestly forgot what I was going to say here. so have this for now. so sorry ]

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