Chapter 8: And so, begins the Armageddon

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[Kudos to Tommyinit and his latest video about crazy mods. Coz lmfao, I got motivated to write after I heard "Si!~ See I speak French~ Francais~~ I'm French from France~~" also the "I'm... New yoik" and Wilbur's "I-Ignore the small silver horses... They're my wives" ]

A few weeks have passed since the Hamilsquad are stuck here in the future. Adjusting to modern life is very rough... Luca and Angelo had sleepless nights just to make sure the Hamilsquad doesn't burn down the entire house by accidentally doing the wrong things.

They were like children, and the two Asians were the parents.

There were so many times where Luca and Angelo were peacefully sleeping together, then suddenly Alexander just knocks on the door, and is like "How do you use the bathroom again?"

Luca was about to lose it, but each time he does, he screams into his pillow and aggressively starts munching on some cookies. There was also Angelo comforting him every night, proving John's point of them being gay.

(Also for anybody who's curious, there were some extra rooms around the house, so they all began sleeping together. Luca and Angelo, Alexander and John, Hercules and Lafayette, then Washington and Aaron.)

Along with so, they discussed to each other about what happened and into more details about how the Hamilsquad got there. Luca and Angelo got into a bit of an argument when they first brought up the topic, because Luca has been keeping it a secret to him and Angelo wasn't happy about it, especially since he's got quite a bit of trust issues and bad broken trust experiences in the past. An example of this is his failed love story with Andy, where he almost went blind for her from punching his eyes hard and making jokes for the sake of Andy's sadistic entertainment.

Thus, a cold war ensued in the household between the two. And Washington had to keep charge in the house for a bit, while the Asians cool down.

They made up by being locked in their bedroom together and forced to make up. It worked and John mentally screamed, "Gaaaaayyyyyyy" while he was peeping with the others.

. . .

And after that little mishap, they continued with brainstorming but there was nothing.

It was now evening and there was nothing. So, in the meantime, they took a break and decided to relax. They were all minding their business, huddled together on the couch. Washington was figuring out how the TV works with Luca and Lafayette, as they were comfily seated in the middle. Alexander was seated at the side of the couch like at the very edge, he hogged Luca's computer and abused the shit out of the keyboard and Microsoft word as he aggressively kept typing on and on.... NoN-StOP!!

It was honestly terrifying how his eyes stopped blinking and it was just completely locked onto the screen, while his fingers were moving at an incredibly fast pace - like how the author is doing right now as he writes this. But then again, this is Alexander Hamilton after all. 

John and Angelo were huddling together at the left side of the couch. Who knew John was a bit of a fudanshi himself? 

Angelo introduced John to the world of anime, and boy was it really weird. John didn't really like the fact that female characters have earraping voices which is why he was immediately picky with his animes. They found this anime together which was called Gakuen Babysitters, an innocent anime where there the protagonists are orphans; an awkward high schooler and his little brother who is a toddler. It's basically the anime version of rugrats. 

It can get a bit annoying actually. At random times, John is just going to scream "KIRIN!!" then Angelo starts screaming, "JOHN, LOOK AT THE TWINS!!" and they both fanboy over little chubby babies. Totally not a pedophilic thing or anything...

[I'm not implying that they are, but this is just kind of a joke about how there's this character in the anime that really likes children and think they're all cute. But even if he really is innocent, everyone always thinks he's a pedophile which leads him to be looked at as a bad guy, even if he really isn't]

And as for Hercules, he found some sewing equipment in the storage room, so now he's just vibing on his own at the right side. Sometimes he occasionally peeks over to see what's Alexander writing, and it both scares and confuses him. 

He once tried asking what Alexander was writing, but then Alexander answered "Mhm"

So there, he realized that it wasn't really best for him to bother Alexander anymore. 

And of course, we're not missing out on our beloved Burrito. 

Isn't that right, Burrito?

"...Please don't call me that." He answered mentally to me.

Yeah, he's just happy to be here :)

Back to the Tele-Trio though... Yes, Author thought that it'd be funny to call Lafayette, Washington and Luca the "Tele-Trio", like.. Y'know.. Television... Trio... Yeah, I know. It's not funny at all. I already told him that but he wouldn't listen to me...

But anyway!

They ended up finding the news channel, and who did they see Mr Donald Trump. 

"Who the fuck is that?" Lafayette asks with a disgusting expressing, listening to Trump talk and see how everyone seems doesn't seem to like him, as Washington takes a drink of water.

"Mr. Donald Trump, the current president of America!" Luca answered unbiasedly

Washington turned into a water fountain from spitting out his water.

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