51. "I said no!"

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(Gracie Adams)

What happened?

That was the only thing that echoed through my mind as I stared at my little brother in shock.

My whole life was falling apart in front my eyes.

My mom lost her job, my boyfriend has only 4 days left, and my brother has drug dealers hunting him down.

What did I do to deserve this?

What did anyone do to deserve this?

I closed my eyes tight trying to forget all of the pain I was feeling.

This can't be happening.

I refuse to believe this is happening.

I'm going to open my eyes and see that I'm lying in my bed and none of this happened.

My eyes snapped open and my stomach dropped as I realized that this was reality.

"You..you what?" I struggled to breath.

"I bought marijuana and-and they kept trying to get me to buy more so I did but I didn't have enough money so now I owe them." He explained.

"How much?" I questioned.


My breath hitched.

How did he pay the first time??

I took in a deep breath and reached into my purse. I pulled out $400.

"Keep the rest." I muttered.

"Thank you so much-"

"I'm telling mom." I cut him off and his eyes widened.

"No please!" He pleaded and I shook my head.

"I have to." I told him.

"I said no!" He screamed, pushing me roughly.

I felt my body hit the wall, my head banging against it.

I looked up to see him glaring at me as I slide down the wall, holding my head.

I heard heavy footsteps and the door soon opened revealing our mother. Her eyes landed on me and her eyes grew. She ran towards me and I glanced through my blurry vision to see Nick looking at me with wide eyes.

"Gracie, I'm so sorry! I don't know what-"

I held up my hand, silencing him.

I shakily stood up with the help of my mother and began to walk out.

"What happened?" My mother inquired.

I sucked in a breath before uttering three words that I'll probably regret later on.

"It's a secret."

(Justin Bieber)

I hummed quietly in the shower as I cleaned my body.

Last night was amazing.

It felt perfect.

I gasped when I felt a pain in my head. It was almost as if it was something directly inside my brain. I tried grabbing onto the railing but missed it slightly as my vision blurred.

"G-Gracie!" I screamed. "Mommy!"

I didn't know who to call as I struggled to leave the shower. I slid the glass door opened and let out a groan as I felt pain everywhere.

Mommy ran in and wrapped a towel around me.

"Justin! What's wrong?!" She questioned frantically.

"It-It hurts!" I cried.

"Where, honey? Where?" She asked.

"I-I Gracie!" I wailed, wanting my baby next to me.

"Gracie is busy, baby." Mommy informed

I felt my vision turning black and mommy began freaking out.

"No, baby! Don't go to sleep!"

But it was too late.

Everything turned black.

Short I know but a lot of shit happened lol.

I just want to let y'all know that what happened to justin can actually happen. It happened to me and I literally didn't know who to call. I didn't know where I was and I started calling random names. I actually called my friend's name cause I thought I was in a classroom lol (she's bae tho lol) and it was scary asf but oh well it happened.



Hope you liked the chapter

XxLove you guysxX


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