6. "Justin! What are you doing?!"

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(Justin Bieber)

I painted the sun on the corner of the wooden desk in mommy's office. I looked at it proudly.

"Justin! What are you doing?!"

I looked to the left to see mommy glaring at the desk. I smiled innocently and looked back to the desk. I drew a picture of me, mommy, daddy, and Gracie. They were stick figures but it was amazing to me.

"Mommy, look! I drew a pwetty picture! There's me and you and daddy and Gracie!" I pointed at each stick figure.

She stood shocked as I stared at her curiously. "What have you done?"

"I drew a pw-"

"I know what you did! Just-just-ugh! I'll be right back!" Mommy placed a folder on the desk and walked away.

Soon enough she came back with a towel and a bottle of that good smelling stuff that she puts all over the house. She sprayed it on my picture and wiped it away with the towel. My eyes widened.

"No!" I wailed. "Mommy, no! My picture!"

She sighed and threw the paint in the trash since I used it all.

"C'mon, we're going home." she grabbed my hand and the file.

I wiped my tears away with my free hand and followed her.

"I'm sowwy I gave your desk a boo boo." I apologized as we sat in the car.

"It's ok." she sighed again and started the car. "Just don't do it again 'cause then mommy gets in trouble. You don't want that, do you?"

I shook my head. "'Course not, mommy."

"Good, now play with your Yoshi." she smiled and I quickly grabbed the toy.

I made motor sounds as I made Yoshi drive across the dashboard.

"Mommy, when will we see Gracie again?" I questioned as I continued to push Yoshi forward.

"I don't know, baby. When we reach home I'll charge my phone and you can talk to her." Mommy informed and I screeched happily.

"Thank you, mommy! You're the best!"

I went to hug her but she pulled back. "Honey, I'm driving!"

I nodded and sat down completely on my seat again. The seatbelt wouldn't let me anyway. Stupid seatbelt.

I huffed, forgetting my toy. I'm bored again. Oh well, at least I'll get to talk to Gracie when we get home.


"Justin!" I heard mommy call me.

"Coming, mommy!" I replied and raced down the hallway. "Yes?"

"What do you think about this shirt?" she questioned holding up a notepad with a sketching of a sparkly thing.

"What shirt? Mommy, that's a notebook." I giggled at her craziness.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Not the notepad, Justin. The shirt on the notepad."

"Oh!" I laughed as I looked closely and noticed that the sparkly thing was actually a shirt. "Whoops!"

Mommy chuckled. "Well...?"

"It's too sparkly." I stuck out my tongue in disgust for emphasis.

"Of course you would think that, you're a boy. Maybe Gracie would know." she mumbled staring at the notepad.

"Gracie! Mommy, is your phone charged?!" I screeched.

"Most likely, it's been an hour. She can come over and help me with the design." she answered.

"Call her, call her!" I urged.

"Ok, ok!" she giggled.

Yay, I'm going to see Gracie!


Hope you liked the chapter

XxLove you guysxX

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