33. "9+10=21?"

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(Justin Bieber)

"You know what to do with that big fat butt." I mumbled while scrubbing my arms with the soap.

I poked a bubble that was floating around and continued the song. "Wiggle wiggle wiggle."

"Justin! Stop singing Jason Derulo and get out of the bathroom!" Gracie screamed, banging on the door.

I jumped and blushed. I took out the plug from the drain and stood up. I feel like this bathtub keeps getting smaller each day. I dried myself and changed into black baggy pants, a purple t-shirt, and purple and black Jordan's. I brushed my hair but grew frustrated when it wouldn't stay up.

"Gracie!" I cried out.

She barged in. "What's wrong?"

"My hair won't stay up." I sniffled.

"How do you make it stay up other days?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Mommy puts this cold, squishy thing on my hair." I replied.

She looked at me like I was a big dummy.

"Oh." I mumbled.

She giggled. "Want me to put it on for you?"

"Yes." I nodded shyly.

She opened the cabinets and grabbed the blue and black bottle mommy always puts on my hair.

She squeezed the bottle and blue gel came out. She rubbed her hands together and began to put it on my hair. She spiked it up as I stared at her.

When she finished, I connected our lips in a sweet kiss. By the time I pulled away, both our cheeks were a bright pink.

"What was that for?" Gracie whispered.

I shrugged. "You're lips taste good."

Her cheeks turned even more pink.

"I love you." I mumbled.

"I love you too." she kissed my cheek.

We were a blushing mess, there was no denying that.

We walked out of the bathroom hand in hand.

Mommy squealed when she saw us. "Aww, you two are so cute together!"

I felt my cheeks heat up again.

"Mommy." I groaned.

She chuckled."Fine, I'll stop but I'm going to the store, want anything?"


"No." she cut me off and I frowned.

Gracie sighed. "C'mon Pattie, one bar of chocolate won't hurt."

(Gracie Adams)

(45 mins later)

"OMG, GRACIE! THERE'S SOMETHING ON MY FACE! Oh wait, that's my nose." Justin giggled.

"For the love of God, Justin, sit down." I pleaded but he just laughed.

He pinched my nose and pulled his hand away.

"I got your nose!" he giggled and touched his nose. "Now I have two!"

I sighed, regretting telling Pattie to get him chocolate. I thought of ways to calm him down. I thought of watching tv.

Bad idea.

All he did was laugh at everyone's noses. Don't ask.

"How about we watch a vine?" I questioned, turning off the unhelpful tv.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows. "A vine?"

"Yeah, they're short clips that are usually funny." I explained and he instantly nodded at the word funny.

"You didn't understand a word I just said, did you?" I asked and he shook his head.

I giggled. "Just watch."

I opened the Vine app and went through all the vines that were funny.

"9+10=21?" Justin suddenly inquired and I chuckled.

"Of course not, don't you-" I stopped when I realized he was in a coma for his whole school life.

Pattie walked in. "Hey, I was looking for home schools for Justin but no one has ever experienced this before. Do you mind, uhm, homeschooling Justin?"

"But I'm not a teacher." I protested.

"I'll get you the textbooks and everything you need. Just, please, he needs this." she pleaded.

I sighed. "I guess."

Hey guys, I know I said 2 updates but I really wanted to update this. Don't worry though, I'm working on the next chapter.


XxLove you guysxX


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