7."Uhm, a minute?"

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(Gracie Adams)

"Nick, shut up." I laughed as he cracked the lamest jokes ever.

"Did you hear about the guy who's whole left side was cut off? He's all right now." he winked.

I chuckled, not because it was funny, but because it was so stupid, it worked.

"What about-" he got cut off by my phone ringing.

I held a finger up. "Sorry, can you finish it when I'm done?"

He nodded and I answered the phone, walking out of the room so Nick wouldn't be annoyed.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hi! Gracie, it's Pattie! I was wondering if you can come over real quick and tell me your opinion about something." she said.

I opened my mouth to answer but got cut off by a voice.

"Gracciiiieeee!" I heard Justin screech.

Pattie sighed. "And there goes my chance of talking to you in a QUIET ENVIRONMENT." she said the last part loudly on purpose to give the hint to Justin.

"Mommy, why are you screaming? I'm right here." Justin huffed and I laughed loudly.

"Gracie, where'd you go?" I could almost hear the frown in his voice but I couldn't stop laughing.

"I-I'm right here." I stammered wiping the tears away from my eyes.

I've never laughed so much.

"Justin, give me the phone. You can talk to her in a minute." Pattie ordered.

"Ok, mommy. I'm counting though." he warned.

"Do you even know how many seconds are in a minute?" she inquired.

"Uhm, a minute?" he answered and I giggled.

"Anyway." she spoke into the phone. "Sorry about that, he's a handful sometimes. So my address is 4476 Marsh street. (Don't know if that exists lol)

"Alright, I'll be there in ten. Bye." I smiled.

Before I hung up, I heard Justin in the background.

"Mommy, has a minute passed yet?!"

I chuckled and pressed the end button.

I entered Nick's hospital room and sighed loudly to annoy him. He glanced at me and rolled his eyes. I let out a giggle.

"Nick, I have to go do something. Mom's coming in a bit. Are you alright by yourself?" I questioned.

He nodded. "I'll be fine. Go do your stuff."

I patted his head causing him to glare at me.

"Bye bro." I smiled.

"Bye sis."

I walked out and got into my car. I typed the address in my GPS and started the car. I drove to their house with P!nk blasting through my speakers.

I arrived and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal a smiling Pattie.

"Hi Gracie! Come in!" she stepped inside and I instantly saw Justin sitting on the floor with his thumb in his mouth.

His cheeks were wet indicating that he'd been crying.

"Aww, why is he crying?" I frowned.

"He didn't get to talk to you on the phone so he threw a fit." she sighed.

Justin's head snapped up and his eyes widened. "Gracie?!"

He stood up and hugged me tightly.

"Hi, buddy. How have you been?" I smiled.

He pulled away from the hug.

"You're pwetty." he ignored my question.

I felt myself blush. "Thank you, Justin."

"Am I pwetty too?" he asked suddenly causing both me and Pattie to laugh.

"Yes Justin, you're pretty." I giggled and his cheeks turned light pink.

"Thank you." he whispered.

"Oh! So now you're shy, huh?" I raised an eyebrow.

He looked down and I saw a small smile on his face. I pinched his chubby cheeks and turned to Pattie.

"So, what did you need help with?" I questioned politely.

"Oh yeah! What do you think about this shirt?" she grabbed a notepad that was on the counter.

"Uhm, it's....sparkly! A bit too sparkly." I looked at the shirt she drew.

She sighed. "That's exactly what Justin said! Oh well, I'll take out the glitter."

"I told you, mommy. But you wouldn't listen." Justin mumbled in a sassy tone.

I chuckled and shook my head.

He's so weird that it's cute.


What should happen next?

Hope you liked the chapter

XxLove you guysxX


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