52. "Come in."

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Read the bottom note please its important

(Justin Bieber)

"Mr. Bieber! You're awake!"

"Quick! Sandra, call his mother!"

"It seems that these past 20 years haven't gone through his memory. So now he thinks that he's 6 years old."

"Justin, how old are you?"

"Sir, w-what's wrong?"


They were floating around me. I was stuck in a dark place. Black surrounded me as I struggled to view all of the scenes at once.

There was a light at the end of the darkness that looked so tempting. It seemed so warm and welcoming and my body was hurting so much. I wanted relief and it looked like that light was the only way.

But a voice stopped me.

A beautiful one to be exact.

"You're weird."

My eyebrows furrowed as I turned to my right to see a scene playing out in what looked like a giant flat screen TV.

I blocked out the other memories and focused on the scene that showed a beautiful blonde girl and I. I was shirtless and she seemed to be fixing the specific piece of clothing for me.

"You're weird." I giggled and she smirked at me, straightening out my shirt.

Wait a minute... Did I just giggle?

"Arms up." She ordered and I obeyed, lifting my arms high.

I raised my eyebrows. Was it just me or did I seem more...childish?

I shook the thoughts out of my head and focused all of my confusion on where the hell I was.

It was like a long, black, never ending hallway. Along the walls were memories playing over and over again.

And then there was the light.

The beautiful, tempting light.

What bad could possibly come from walking into that?

I was about to walk towards it when that girl flashed through my mind.

Her laugh was beautiful. Her voice was angelic. Her hair was luscious. Her lips were so kissable. Her nose was perfectly shaped to fit her face.

And last but certainly not least her eyes. They were a mesmerizing blue that left you staring. I could probably stare at them forever and never be bored.

I have to see her again.

I closed my eyes tightly and spun around, facing the opposite direction of the light.

Hope filled my body when I saw a less brighter light at the end of the hallway.

I looked back one more time, craving the warmth of the bright light but the desire to see that woman was much more.

I sucked in a deep breath and began to trek towards the light.

The less brighter one.

Who was that woman?

(Gracie Adams)

I cursed as I stumbled into my car. My head was thumping and I groaned, pressing my hand against the source of the pain to ease it a bit.

It didn't work.

My phone started ringing and I picked it up, putting it on speaker. As the car roared to life, Pattie's voice entered my ears.

"Gracie, come quick. Justin fainted and we're at the hospital and-and-" she paused, trying to calm herself down. "Gracie, Justin's time is coming."

"W-what do you mean?" My voice quivered as I gripped the steering wheel not daring to leave the parking lot of my mother's house.

"Justin's showing the signs of his last day."

My heart stopped.

No words were able to describe the pain I was feeling.

So I stepped on the pedal and sped towards the hospital, ignoring all stop signs and red lights.

(Jason McCann style lol)

When I reached the hospital, I straightened up.

For Pattie and for Justin.

They needed me right now and I wasn't going to disappoint them.

I calmly made my way towards the front desk even though I was dying inside.

I asked for Justin's room and they told me room 216.

I thanked the receptionist and made my way towards the elevator. Once the doors slid open, I slipped inside and pressed the second floor.

"216, 216, 216..." I repeated quietly under my breath.

I finally reached my destination and sucked in a breath, knocking on the door twice.

The door opened revealing a stressed looking Pattie.

"Come in." She ushered.

You could she was beyond stressed considering she didn't even say hi and her beautiful smile wasn't planted on her face. I would be like that too if my son fainted and is in his last days on Earth.

This must be so hard for her. Her son was in a coma for 20 years, woke up thinking he was a 6 year old, lived a somewhat normal life for about 2 months, and is now in a hospital bed again.

I would be absolutely broken.

But I wasn't her.

No, I wasn't her at all.

I was the girlfriend who fell in love with him.






How about w.e y'all want, I'll do it

Comment something you want me to do (Q&A, update, follow back, read ur book, etc...)

Everyone can't comment update tho cuz my hands can only type so much lol

Hope you enjoyed the chapter

XxLove you guysxX


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